His Return

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Gajeel stretched at the edge of the cave and sighed. Muscle build up, and lots of it. It had taken about two months after his recovery, but he was in amazing shape. It had been six months since he'd last seen Levy and he was dying to see her.

"Are you leaving?" Aquamist met Gajeel at the entrance of the cave.

Gajeel nodded, "Yeah. I have someone waiting for me at home." he replied looking out at the setting sun. "I've been away for too long, and well I'm still a Fairy Tail wizard."

Aquamist nodded, "Take care. Don't forget to visit. It's been a pleasure having you here."

Gajeel stepped out of the cave and took a deep breath. The oranges of the sunset hit him and he felt the warmth. He had been in the cave for too long. "It's time I make my return. I'm coming Levy." he said to himself. He took off into the forest in the direction of the Magnolia.

Levy rubbed her eyes and sat up. She smiled putting her hands on her stomach. "Lily?" Levy whispered swinging her legs over the side of her bed. "Lily?" she got up slowly to keep her balance. She looked around, "Pantherlily?"

Levy walked out to the kitchen to find a note on the table. She picked it up. It Read:


I'm off to the guildhall, they said they said they needed my help on a job. I'll be back in a few days. I changed the locks and gave the to Mirajane. Your key is on the bedside table.


Levy put the note down. He'd be back in a few days like every other time he's gone on a the last 5 months of him being home. "Gajeel would be pissed if he found out I was living here alone for a week or so at a time." she said rubbing her stomach. "You're daddy was always so protective." she smiled remembered Gajeel. "God, I miss you Gajeel." she wiped a few tears from her eyes.

Levy went into the bedroom and got some water . When Lily was away she would always spend her days at the guildhall and go home late to sleep. She took a quick shower and ate a plate of eggs and bacon, then headed out the door. She closed and locked it behind her.

Levy walked to guildhall and about halfway there she ran into Jet and Droy. She hadn't spoken to them much since Gajeel's death. She smiled and waved at them. "Hey guys!" she yelled to them.

They smiled and waved back heading over to her. "Hey Levy." Jet and Droy said together. Jet took the right and Droy walked on the left of her. "Heading to the guild?" Droy asked.

She nodded, "Yeah. Lily is away on a job with Natsu's team..." she trailed off and stopped. She turned around quickly.

"Something wrong, Levy?" Droy asked touching her shoulder.

"N-no. I just felt like someone was following us." she whispered.

Gajeel had made it back to Magnolia by sunrise. He made it to his small house, which he expected to be empty, but it wasn't. He knew this because the door was locked, and his key wasn't working. He cursed under his breath after he had tried to get in. He peeked in the window to see Lily sleeping on the couch. He knocked, but the exceed didn't wake up. He knocked a little louder and still no movement. He sighed and walked away. "Guess I will just wait." he said to himself.

Gajeel had walked to ally beside the house and fell asleep leaned up on the wall. He woke up to the door being closed and the turn of a key. He looked around sleepily then stood up and stretched. He saw her pass by. He almost missed her.

Levy was still as small as ever, but she was bigger around. Not like she was fat because she had let herself go like Droy did, no she was pregnant. Gajeel's heard broke. She gave up on me, he thought.

He stalked behind her. "Where are you going?" he asked quietly. She didn't hear him, and he didn't want her to. He followed her for a bit until she met up with Jet and Droy. He chuckled, at least it isn't one of theirs.

He could tell because they acted like they hadn't really seen her much lately. He was resisting his instinct to jump in to talk with Levy like always, whenever they came around. He was almost caught when Levy stopped. He stepped aside quickly into a group of people. Jet and Droy stopped with her and then the three kept moving after they said a few things. Gajeel couldn't hear them.

"Hey, watch it." a woman said angrily at him. He looked around. "Down here!" she yelled.

He looked down at the girl on the ground. "Sorry." he mumbled offering her his hand. She took it then stared at him. "What?" he asked.

"Why are you clothes stained?" she asked.

Gajeel looked down. Having a few things to wear while he was with Aquamist wore out his clothes fast. The outfit he was wearing was the one he had worn the least. It had a blood stain on it that wouldn't come out no matter how much he scrubbed. He shrugged and walked off towards his house again. "I need to get in." he told himself. He broke the small window on the door and unlocked the door.

Gajeel closed the door quickly after going inside. He walked into the bedroom, everything looked the same, except most of his things were in boxes in the corner of the room. Levy's books were all over the place. The house itself smelled strongly of her with a light scent of Pantherlily and he smirked.

He searched through the boxes and found some clothes then went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. It had been nice to take a warm shower.

While Gajeel was with Aquamist, all he really had for bathing was a small waterhole in the cave. It was usually pretty cold.

After getting dressed Gajeel walked out of the house and closed the door. "I'll wait for her to come home." he relaxed in the same ally he had fallen asleep in earlier that morning. He fell asleep after waiting about an hour.

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