chapter 3

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It was there first flying lesson and as expected Draco was excitedly boasting about how easy flying a broom was for him, even though him and Max agreed Max is the better flyer.

So walking out to the field the pear were annoyed that they would be sharing the lesson with the Gryffindors which meant dealing with Potter.

The first years waited until there professor came out walking threw the line of Gryffindors and Slytherins "Good afternoon class"

"Good afternoon Madam Hooch"

Madam Hooch was a fairly aged woman with short gray hair that spiked in different directions and pearsing golden eyes

"Welcome to your first flying lesson, well what are you waiting for everyone step up to there left side of there broomstick" as everyone was doing so so hurried them with a "Come on now hurry up" and then continued.

"stick your right hand over the broom, and say up"

There was a sudden cores of first years saying up to there brooms, first ones to actually have there broom in there hand where Potter, Draco and Max.

The pure-blood looked over at Weasley, who was struggling miserably to command his broom, and snickered nudging the blond next to him to watch to, when suddenly Weasley broom comes up smacking him in the face which made both boys burst out laughing.

Finally everyone had there brooms in there hand "now once you've got a hold of your broom I want you to mount it" as everyone starts to mount there brooms she reminded "And Grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding of the end"

"When i blow my whistle i want each of you to kick of the ground hard, keep your brooms steady, hover for a moment then lean forward slightly and touch back down" she then brought the whistle to her mouth "on my whistle 3, 2"

the whistle blew and a boy suddenly started to lift of the ground, Max remembered to be Neville Longbottom, flying off as the professor along with students called for him back.

Longbottom flew around unable to controls his broom when he finally was on the ground it was from falling, which resulted in a broken arm.

During the panic of Neville's injury was going on Max's eyes landed on a ball that the injured student had dropped, he picked it up and showed Malfoy. As soon as Madam Hooch walked away with Neville, telling students not to be in there's brooms, Maximus finally spoke.

"Did you see the look on his face" he snickered to Draco messing with the remembrall in his hand "Maybe if the idiot had given this a squeeze, he'd remember to fall on his fat arse"

"Give it here Allard" Harry spoke stepping closer to the dark haired boy.

"No, i don't think i will" Max turns to Draco and continued "I think we should leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find"

Draco grabbed the ball and got on his broom slowly flying off "How about the roof" he smirks as he flys higher "what's the matter Potter, bit beyond your reach"

Max snickered again "Scared you'll get in trouble Potter"

Harry, obviously irritated, got on his broom before Hermione stopped him "Harry no way you heard what Madam Hooch said, besides you don't even know how to fly"

With that Harry was off chasing Draco for the ball, which he soon caught and came back to ground before professor McGonagall came came out to take Harry. Thinking he was caught on his broom, which he technically was, the two best friends held a victorious smile on there lips.

Weeks had past and the news of Potter being the new Gryffindor seeker spread like wild fire but died down after a innocent at halloween where there was a troll in the dungeons. Max was obviously irritated about the quidditch thing but didn't really care, him not really being interested about quidditch, what made the boy most irritated was Draco.

Ever since the proud Slytherin heard the news about the boy who lived he complained, which annoyed Maximus to no extent, constantly insulting about the Potter boy and frankly it made Max slightly jealous. Jealous that his best friend was thinking and talking about some half-blood rather than spending time with him, obviously Draco's two minions, Crabbe and Goyle, we're constantly agreeing with Draco's complaints which bothered Max to.

soon thought it was Christmas brake and the two boys were getting ready to go back to there manors.

During Christmas Draco and Max sent letters almost every day and on Christmas sent each other there presents to each other. Draco receiving a journal and quill with a snake imprinted on it wile Max got new fantastic beasts and were to find it books, both loving there presenting they got each other they were excited to see each other after Christmas.

Once back at Hogwarts both told each other how there Christmas went, Max telling the blond his father took him to get Hades a new collar with the Allard family crest on and Draco saying how delicious his Christmas dinner was, which made the blueish grey eyed boy wish he had some.

A couple of months had passed now and let alone the blond boy still complained about the filthy orphan, as Max had resorted to call the scarred boy.

"He is truly stupid that potter, how do you fail at brewing a simple potion" Draco scoffed. The four where currently sat in the common room, Max reading a book and Draco complaining to Crabbe and Goyle.

The dark haired boy sat next to Draco sighed "Would you shut up and out that half-breed, someone might get the wrong idea and think your obsessed with him" he sneered at the bleach blond.

"Obsessed? Are you out of your mind Max, please" he's scoffed in response to Draco.

"yeah well it sounds like it" Max rolled his eyes getting up from his seat and continued to the exit "I'm going to the library, your giving me a head ache" and with that the dark haired boy left.

"wait it's night tho, he'll get caught" Draco stood up and went after the dark haired boy.

this was a long chapter
any who how are u guys, u liking the story

i might change the pov. if i do any suggestions

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