Chapter One - Darien

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There are a multitude of rules that must be obeyed when finding the perfect sacrifice for the great water dragon, Lord Oceina. The sacrifice must be female. She may not be younger than eighteen years of age. She must be pure like the snow—untainted in any way.

The priests watched all of the girls who grew up on Little Oceina Island. They watched for potential candidates for the coming sacrifice, because it was to their advantage to have a girl ready rather than to be caught off guard. The great dragon was quite spontaneous with his demands, though for the past fifty years each sacrifice had been separated by exactly eight years. Their diligence was a courtesy the dragon appreciated, though it wasn't necessary. Lord Oceina had his own plans.

Many fine young women were suggested by the priests. Each was beautiful and smart in their own way, and contained several different talents. Artists, singers, philanthropists, and athletes. One girl in particular the priests favored more than any. A beautiful blonde with sparkling blue eyes and a body that would make many other women jealous. On top of all that, she was an amazing musician, a poet, and tutored children in the elementary school. She was about as perfect as any person could get. The dragon, however, was not impressed.

"I don't like her," he stated, in the natural dragon tongue. Few humans could understand the dragons' language. The skill separated the average person from the priesthood. It was a holy gift, which helped with the bonding between the two species. Because only the priests could understand the dragons, they were deemed the mouth pieces for the great creatures. Lord Oceina hated having to rely on them to be his voice. Thankfully, he understood their human language so if they should happen to try and deceive him, he'd know, and they would feel his wrath.

The dragon lord flew through the sky with the aid of his magic and the head priest of the island clutched to his dark blue scales for dear life. It was well known that there was more than one water dragon in existence. Lord Oceina, however, was the dragon called to rule over that particular island. His happiness was the most important of them all, as their very lives depended on it. Rules were in place that if they displeased him, he'd be forced to punish them in an appropriate manner.

Dragons ruled over the entire continent, which was named, Oceina, after them as appointed to them by God. If he, or his kin, ever felt the priests did not do their job in the correct way, the island would lose its protection the creatures provided. Protection from the other species of dragon who might invade the island or otherwise try to harm its inhabitants. Not to mention any other political repercussions that might also occur. To insult the great dragon was to insult the whole nation.

The island was too small, and far too passive to risk such a venture. Often, this resulted in the priests being too agreeable, unwilling to assert their true opinion. Lord Oceina had been told they would be, but he was amazed at how annoying the priests being nothing more than robotic "yes men" actually was. Generally, he was very patient, but the priests he had spoken to today were beginning to wear him thin. And their first original thought has to be about who they believe will be a perfect sacrifice for me. The long silence is concerning. I hope I didn't just break his brain.

"Y-you don't like her?" the high priest asked. "F-forgive my doubt, my lord, but what is there not to like about her? Surely she cannot be that displeasing?"

"I don't like her," he repeated. "I have another in mind. Now of course if you wish to go against my wishes and not provide for me the sacrifice of my choice, I will simply kill them both and leave your temple for the Inero to set ablaze. Their nation's borders aren't too far from here, last I checked. Or maybe one of the rogue dragons will decide to claim this island for his own territory. I mean, the rogues are supposed to be vanquished, but one can never be too careful. Right? I think we agree there should be as little bloodshed as possible."

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