The crash

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pic of Avery and Daphne on the side

Daphnes pov

That night, the most horrific night of my life, the first day of the last week of summer, my parents thought it would be a good idea to head down to the northern part of the state to experience some wildlife and fauna. It was my mother, father, two sisters and myself .


"Mom why are we doing this stupid trip I just want to hang out with my friends" my oldest sister whines "Because you never know what could happen, we need to spend more time together as a family, your sisters agree with me, don't you girls?" my mother asks my twin and I. We looked over at each other simultaneously and replied "Yeah sure" with a hint of sarcasm leaking through our voices. Our mother looks at us through the rear view mirror as we just smile innocently, she narrows her eyes before saying, "Mmhm, don't test me girls, we're going to enjoy this trip. It will be the best trip of your life, you won't be able to forget it." she says with a glimmer of excitement in her eyes.

It was night by the time we made it to the cabin in the center of the wildlife preserve "Hey Avery," I say as I run up to my twin who was sitting on the couch reading her book. Right after plopping down beside her I ask "Watcha doin?" she looks up at me annoyed, "What does it look like I'm doing?" she says with sarcasm dripping from her words. "Hmmm I don't know, reading maybe.." I sassily reply back as she just glares at me before marking her page and sits her book down. "What do you want?" Avery asks annoyed. "Well you know what would be fu-" she cuts me off before I have a chance to finishing my statement, "No, what ever your about to say, the answer is no. You always get us in trouble." she says as she waves her hands in front of her in a spastic way. "Come on," I plead "just one walk what could go wrong?" I say grabing her arm pulling her off the couch. "Fine fine, you can stop pulling me now.. What time is it?" she asks as I look over to the clock it reads 11:24, "11:24" I deadpan to my sister. "WHAT?! Mom will kill us if we're out side this late.." she whispers violently "Oh, don't worry sister dear I have a plan, she'll never find out that we're outside." I say giving her a wink before run up stairs. "Daph, wait for me.." I hear Avery quiet but urgently call to me from down stairs.  Shortly after, I hear the pitter patter of feet running up the stairs and while leaning in my door way as she makes her way to the top. "And how do you and you smart self expect us to get outside from here?" Avery asks a hint of sarcasm in her voice. "Like this" I say in a sly manor as I advance to the window in my rented room. Beside the ledge right out side my window, a tree stood with an easy to access branch to climb on. "Just follow my lead." I say with a smirk as I hop out the window and proceed to climb down the tree. However clumsily on the last branch my foot haphazardly slips causing me to fall about three feet. When I hit the ground my body makes a loud thud as well as some groaning sounds from my mouth due to the pain shooting through my back. While rolling over, I hear the grass crunch beneath Avery's feet as she jumps down beside me, followed by strong laughter that in the end causes her to sit beside me to catch her breath. "Yeah I'd rather not follow your lead," she chuckles again,"smooth move exlax." she adds right before flicking my nose playfully and walking towards the woods. Groaning again, I sprawl my body out into a star shape "Man.. that hurt..." I wine making an attempt to stand up and follow my sister into the woods. Suddenly, I hear something beside us, and manage to catch a glimpse of what looked to be red eyes. I comfort myself for a second after shaking off this unsettling feeling, probably just my imagination .


After the walk

After the walk I allow Avery to climb up the tree first, watching her hop through the window just when I start to climb up. Just before reaching the window,  I find Avery's still standing in the way. "Move it fat ares" I joke with her and gently push her out of the way only to see our mom sitting on the bed with a I'm going to kill you two slowly and painfully look on her face. She stands up and I can all ready hear her screaming at us "YOU GIRLS ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT COULD HAVE HAPPENED TO Y'ALL OUT THERE YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!!!!!!!! IF I DON'T KILL YOU FIRST, GET YOUR STUFF PACK I'M WAKING EVERY ONE UP AND WE'RE LEAVING, GO NOW!" she yells at us acting way more unusual then normal. as she said I'm waking everyone up i was think to late they heard you all ready and as she said go now she points her finger to the suitcases in the corner for my sister and i, she walks out of the room and my sister looks at me mad and hisses "I told you so" before she stomps away to go pack i never unpacked so i picked up my suitcases and walked outside to the car but not before my oldest sister whispers to me "nice going loser now we have to ride in the car again" she says as she gives me a death glare this is my fault i didn't mean too its not like anyone got hurt well at least not bad i thought to myself as i hung my head down and trudged down the stairs and out the door to the car, As i put my suitcases in the trunk i heard a twig snap to my right i turn towards the woods on my right and she those red eyes again I'm beyond terrified and it didn't help when our older sister Lucy came up be hide me and shoved me out of the way i shrieked which mad her jump "god daph don't do that again" "your so annoying" i hear her mumble the last bit as she walks away. After we all pack up we get in the car and drive down the road my moms still mad and shes going 85 mph in a 50 mph zone "mom can you please slow down" i ask her "don't you dare tell me to do anything if i want to drive fast i will" she says to me in a harsh tone but before i could reply i saw a quick flash and then red eyes as are car went barreling off the side of the road and then in to a tree and right before i blacked out i heard the screams of my sisters and then my door was ripped off and i felt a sharp stab and something bit me in the side and reached over biting my twin as well. little did i know that one bite would send my world into a strange new one


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