Matt's POV

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I find him crying in an alley. Luz tried to follow me, but I told her to wait for me at school.

He sees me approaching and he goes red. "Hey Matty." He whispers, curling up, pulling his knees to his chest. "Hey Gus." I say, sitting across from him. Its kinda dark, so I can barely see his face. We sit in silence, and I grab his hand. He looks at me, suprised. "Gus... I know you like me. I heard you talking to your parents yesterday and... I don't... detest you either." I say. If this is the best way to get close to him, so be it. He looks at me, and even in the dim light I can see his face go dark red. "Would you... maybe go out with me? On a date or- something?" I ask. He lunges foward, hugging me, and a pit forms in my stomach.

He's so happy... And I'm only doing this... because I want to know more about Luz and the human world. But he doesn't know. Maybe this will turn out fine. I hug him back, and he grabs my face, looking into my eyes with a huge smile. "You have no clue how long I've wanted to ask you out." He says, kissing my cheek. My face goes red and it feels like there are fairies fluttering in my stomach. But why? "Well... I'm guessing that's a yes?" I say, and he nods, smiling widely. Again, that pit forms. This poor boy. He's so sweet and cute and nice and attrac- my point is that he deserves someone better... someone sincere. Someone who doesn't use him as a puppet.

We walk to school, holding hands, and Luz greets us outside the school. "Hey Gus!" She says, then sees us holding hands. She gasps, and looks at Gus and he blushes. "You two-?" She asks, poiting her finger at me then Gus and back and forth, and I nod. She smiles widely, hugging us tightly. "Gus. I'll meet you in class." She says, pulling me aside. He nods, confused, waving goodbye to me, heading inside Hexside.

Luz turns to me, death in her eyes. "Why do you want to date my child?" She asks. "Your- child??" I ask. I know Gus's parents... and its not Luz. "No... not really my child. He's my figurative child. Not literally." She sighs. "Oh... well... I like him." I say, unsure of what else to say. "Uh huh. What do you like about him specifically?" She asks, crossing her arms. "I mean, he's sweet, and cute, and nice. He treats everyone fairly and..." I hesitate, thinking of when Gus saved me from Bria, "...he never gives up on me... he always, no matter the circumstance... is kind to me. And sure, I've been rude to him before, and I do regret it but... he's perfect." I say, realizing I wasn't making that up. He is perfect.

And I don't deserve perfect...

Luz stares at me for a second, then smiles. "Good enough for me! You will treat my child kindly or I will hurt you. Eda has a tool shed full of dangerous human stuff. Don't test me." She says, pointing a finger into my chest. I nod nervously. For a human, she can be pretty scary.

She smiles, then walks into Hexside. Intimidating. I see Gus standing by my locker waiting for me. I smile, the fluttering feeling returning. I can't help but wonder....why...maybe I actually- no. Its ridiculous. I look at Gus, and his perfect smile, his soft, dark skin, his shining brown hair. Its not... impossible. He may just steal my heart after all.

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