R.I.P Carlos De Vil

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*This is the day they found out about his death, so its about a day after his death*

Evie's POV:

Me, Jay, Mal, Ben, Jane, Doug and Lonnie are at lunch in the school. Carlos is in the hospital for surgery for something.

"I have a bad gut feeling for some reason" Mal said out of the blue. We all stared at her now knowing somethings happening or happened.

"Maybe your going to get an F?" Doug said. "Let's hope for that" Lonnie said. "Yup" Mal said looking at her lunch.

"You ok Mal?" I asked. "Yeah, just nervous about the bad gut feeling" She said. I nodded in response.

The bell rang and we got up to throw away our trash. When we did we went to our lockers and grabbed our stuff for class.

We said bye and went to our separate classes. I am worried about what Mal's bad gut feeling is. But I didn't worry abut that while I'm in science mostly worried about science.

After class when I went to my locker I saw Mal freaking out. I rushed over to her. "What's wrong" I ask. "I didn't get an F and this was the only class I had with tests!" She rushed out of her mouth.

"Ok uh, calm down and breathe every thing will hopefully be ok" I said trying to calm her down and me at the same time.

"What if something goes wrong today like really wrong" She says. "Let's just hope for the best. Your the queen maybe you'll just have a lot of work to do." I said.

"Ok" She says starting calm down. Before the bell rings we grab our stuff and rush to class so we aren't late.

*Later hanging out in the girls dorm still Evie's pov*

We are all hanging out in me and Mal's dorm room like always just chatting.

"Your disgusting Mal" Jane said fake throwing up. "What? no. The bug was huge I swear" Mal said and Jane faked throwing up again.

"That's gross" I said making a disgusted face. "You guys are no fun" Mal said. "I didn't think it was gross" Ben said. '"Well you guys are dating it doesn't count" Jane said. Mal rolled her eyes.

Ring a ding ding
I hear my phone ringing s I get u ang grab it seeing who's calling me. Auradon state hospital. I answer it quick.

"Hello?" I ask. "Hi is this Evie Queen" the guy on the other line said. "Yeah? Is everything ok?" I ask again. "Sadly no. Patient Carlos De Vil sadly passed away today in his sleep" he said and my heart shattered.

"No, no, no your joking right" I said tearing up and I can feel their eyes on me probably confused and or worried. "Im sorry for your lose" he said, I started breaking down after I hung up.

Mal rushed towards me. "E? Is everything ok" she asks me. I shake my head no. "H-he's g-gone" I said hoping they'd know who I was referring to a him.

They gave confused looks. "C-Carlos die-d in his-s sle-ep." I said the best I could. All their confusion turned into sad tearing up looks.

"Oh my god" jane repeated to herself before also breaking down joining us. "H-he was so youn-g" Mal said making sure we can understand her.

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