The End #8

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Looks like I missed the deadline. Oh well... let's finish it.



We finally arrive at Miku's house-

Kenji: Y/N... can we do this tomorrow?

Y/N: Oh for- Kenji it will be quick.

Kenji: Dude the sun is setting down I wanna go home, eat, sleep and repeat.

Y/N: That's the worst quote like buying a T-shirt.

Kenji: Whatever I'm just gonna go, you on your own buddy...

He waves at me and walks away home. I give him a finger without noticing and I try to turn the doorknob but it's locked. Then I heard something muffling and sounds behind the door I got curious so I knock.



Y/N: Miku? You in there? I heard weird noises.

Miku?: uh yeah I'm fine I'll be there in a minute

Y/N: Her voice sounded strange did she went to a high pitch. Miku your voice sounded weird, Are you sure you ok?

Miku?: Yes I am dumbass! I mean yes I'm sure I am ok.

Y/N: Whoa she never do that to people... wait a minute. Misaka, is that you in there?

Misaka: N-No! Misaka isn't here just me Miku! And only me!

Y/N: Misaka, open the damn door please...

Misaka: ...

There is no response except the sound of wind flying by until the doorknob starting to turn slowly. The door slowly opens a little revealing Misaka half of her face while holding the door.

Misaka: Hey...

Y/N: Misaka, Why are you in Miku's house.

Misaka: I don't know what are you talking about. *looks away while pouting*

Y/N: There is again. Look this is Miku's house and I don't know why both of you staying here.

Misaka: And what are you doing here, huh?!

Y/N: Look, I got worried ok? After our friend Ana died I am still concerned about you two, I don't wanna lose another friend.

Misaka: *blush* He's worried about me?

I started to notice her face turn red for some reason.

Y/N: You look sick, do you have a fever?

Misaka: No s-shut up! I-I am not!

Y/N: Oh ok then can I see Miku?

Misaka: ...No and look I do not have time for this I'm gonna ask you to leave.

She tried to close the door but I put my foot on the door and use my hand to push a little.

Misaka: !?

Y/N: You sure you do not need any help?

Misaka: I can handle it by myself! Why is he this strong?

Y/N: Your pretty different when you care about someone like that.

Misaka turns red again probably I expose her personality but then she got angry at me and tried all her might to close the door shut but fail due to my strength.

Y/N: Come on. Are you sure you do not need my help?

Misaka: *grunt* No.

Y/N: Come on Mik...

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