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2 Missed Calls from Jay (Neighbour) 7:34PM

1 Missed Call from Jay (Neighbour) 7:39PM


"Sunoo! I'm going to have to ask you a big favour, I'm really sorry about this."

"It won't be a problem, what is it?"

"Are you at home now?"

"I'm on my way back, five minutes away tops."

"Okay, thank you. I need you to ask Jungwon and my mother to pack their things, and I need you to take them far away. I'll send you a number, call it and someone will give you a list of accommodations in the city. Ask for two rooms. Don't worry about the price, I'll cover it. Make sure you leave by 8PM, is that okay?"

"Jay, is something going on?"

"Yes, unfortunately. There's been an issue with customs at the US airport and I won't be home in time to deal with it, so I have to ask this of you. I'm really sorry, but this is important."

"Yes, I understand. I've just reached the building, I'll talk to them now."

"Good. Thank you so much, Sunoo. We'll talk about your repayment when I get back."

Sunoo knocks on the Park family's door, and his confusion reigns at its all time high. 

Grandma Park and Jungwon don't seem to be too surprised at Sunoo's message, and she sends Jungwon off to pack his overnight bag without any questions.

"Grandma, is something happening tonight?" Sunoo's voice is dripping with worry for the two of them.

"Yes, but it's not so unusual. My son will explain things to you if he has to," is all she says before heading off to pack her own things.

Sunoo makes the call to the number he receives from Jay and he gets a confirmation message for two suites at Signiel Seoul, one of the finest hotels in the city. As he bundles some of his clothes into his bag, he wonders how much money Jay has exactly and what's really going on with the Park family downstairs. Something is amiss about the entire situation, but he can't put his finger on it just yet.

As he exits his apartment, he suddenly remembers.


He sprints for the stairs. #04-01 is directly above, and he finds the door easily.

"Riki? Open up, please!" His voice is desperate as he knocks harder. The time is ticking close to 8PM, and he doesn't want to know what'll happen if the family isn't gone by then.

The boy in apartment #04-01 opens the door finally, and Sunoo has no time for niceties. "My name is Sunoo," he begins hurriedly. "I've met you at the rooftop for days now, I know about your memory loss and your family, I need you to come with me now."

Without waiting for him to answer Sunoo takes him by the hand and pulls him down the stairs, and to his own credit Riki doesn't question it. By 7:58PM they're on an express taxi away bound for inner city Seoul, and Sunoo sends a message to Jay assuring him that he's done what was asked.

"Thank you, Sunoo. You won't understand how important this was, but I'll explain soon. I'm wiring you 400,000won to cover dinner and the ride there, let me know if you need more. I'll see you when I land in Seoul." 

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