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I'm slowly awakened by the dreadful cold seeping into my half naked, stiff and sore body.  As I try to move to seek some warmth, alarm bells start ringing in my head, why can't I move my arms and legs. 

"Shit" I'm tied up in what seems to be a shipping container and from the movement I presume already on a ship somewhere on the ocean, with no idea of how long I've been out due to the tranquilizer Mihai's men had given me. The fuckers beat the crap out of me while I was trying to protect mom, an overwhelming sadness envelops me. The memories of what they had done to my loved ones start flooding back and I'm seeing red as the sadness makes way for the anger that rises from deep within my soul.

Mihai, oh Mihai if ever I get out of here I will fucking hunt you down like the animal you are even if I have to go to the ends of the earth. Your miserable existence will end slow and painful, oh so very fucking painful. I was taught the best of torture techniques during my training as assassin I will use them all on you. You will scream and beg for mercy just like Mom.

The family had used me on a few missions to bring the rivals in line. Dad used to praise my creativity. Not even one of my many kills could be traced or solved by the cops.

The cold is starting to become to much for my body to handle and I can feel myself slipping back into unconsciousness.

I'm suddenly jolted awake, fear rising up, I start to struggle against my bonds but the effort is useless and my body is aching from the beating I took previously. I mentally remind myself to calm down. 

I have no idea of how long I have been unconscious this time but I can feel that the container I'm trapped in is moving, they must be off loading it, but where. My mind start racing with possibilities' of where and to whom he could be sending me and for what reason, why did the bastard not just kill me like the rest of my family, what sick dark plan does he have for me.

I'm moving! The container is moving, this is different not like the swaying of the ship, it feels like a car.  The container must be in transit on a truck.  I start kicking the side wall with my bound feet only to realize that they have taken my shoes and the impact from my bare feet is not making a loud enough noise for anyone to hear me. The effort has left my bruised and battered body exhausted and my breathing is labored from the exertion.

Inside this dark box I have lost all sense of space and time.  The jolting of the truck is causing my battered body to ache even more and I don't know how much longer I can endure this.  Judging by the sharp pains when I breathe I must have sustained a few cracked or broken ribs.  I don't even want to know what my face looks like as I'm unable to open my left eye and my lips are cracked and bruised. It feels like someone took a hammer to my scull as the throbbing becomes worse with the movement of the truck.

It's seems like we've been driving for hours when the truck driver suddenly slams on the breaks and my battered body goes flying into the side of the container. I cry out from the pain, praying silently that this is the end of the road.

I can hear voices shouting outside not clear enough to understand what  they are saying but I can make out that they are Italian and very angry, shots are fired and all goes silent.

Italian, that fucker Michai must be trying to sell me on the Italian market.

The Italian mafia are renowned for human trafficking, once you are in their hands no one will ever find you again. The girls all have tracking chips implanted while they are drugged so that they are not aware of them, then auctioned to the highest bidder on the dark web. They are tracked from a central database that their buyers have access to so even if they run they are found with twenty minutes and punished or killed.

Shit, this is fucked up, if I fall into their hands I will never be able to take my revenge on Michai and revenge is all I'm living for now. I will not tolerate anyone or anything standing in my way. I simply won't.

I can hear four distinct voices now as they move towards the back of the truck and the container doors.  My mind is racing as I try to see in the dark if there is a way for me to hide. Escaping or attacking will not be possible while I am bound like a lamb going for slaughter. Unbound I might be able to take them.

I can hear them talking and laughing about the shipment of heroin that they have just confiscated from the Romano family. "So that fucker Michai sold me to the "Romano's".

I can't make out much in the darkness, only the outlines of what looks to be boxes the size of refrigerators. I slowly inch my way towards one of the boxes to take a closer look. It's difficult going with my hands bound in the back and my body in the condition that it's in.

The four Italian's outside are discussing whether they should offload the drugs there and now or take the the truck. I silently pray that they take the truck as it will give me a window of opportunity to find a hiding place.

I can hear another vehicle approaching and suddenly all hell breaks loose with shouting and gunfire. Then I hear new voices and someone is yelling to a Gino to take the truck.

What the hell just happened? Are these the Romano's retaking their shipment or someone else?

Suddenly the truck roars back to life and the jolting starts again. Thank God for answering my prayers I think to myself giving an inner chuckle. I now have time to somehow get myself out of this dilemma, but how much time?



What the hell is Lorenzo thinking, if the Romano family finds out we jacked their shipment they will be out for blood.

"Fuck" I hope he cleans up after us, there should be no traces that we are involved.

Why did he let me take the truck?

He knows I'm the family cleaner. He is the family assassin and Alessandro (Alex) is the hunter, I will have to have a good fucking talk with him about this misdirected duty, this is bulshit. If dad hears about this he will have his balls, literally. We are not meant to function outside of our positions.

Where the fuck am I gonna take this truck? Maybe our underground warehouse. I'll have to phone Lorenzo to find out where he wants me to go with it before anyone notices that we jacked it.

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