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It had been a week since the heartfelt conversation you had with shouto and the last time since the both of you spoke to each other. Sure you would see him occasionally here and there, your neighbours after all. But wouldn't say much to each other, just a casual hi and bye.

Yesterday, Granny Yua happened to meet you when you were tending your father's shop and asked, if you would help her and Shouto in replanting her whole flower garden.

You said yes, wanting to help her and excited at the thought of getting to spent time with Shouto too. There were definitely feelings being developed for him, but you weren't too sure if it was just one of those summer crushes or if it was maybe, more than that. And you hoped that spending more time with Shouto would help you sort out your feelings.

"Mom! I'm heading to Granny's place" you shouted as you tied your shoelace.

"Wait a second Y/N" she shouted back from the kitchen.

"What is it now" you groaned to yourself.

"Here" your mother said, handing you over a basket filled with freshly picked strawberries. "Give it to Granny yua" she added as you took the basket from her.

"Okay,bye now." you told her and departed to Granny Yua's place.


"And this is how you are suppose to plant the seedlings, got it" granny said, planting the seeds as she explained and demonstrated on how to do it to both you and shouto.

Both of you nodded your head as a response that the two of you had understood. "Alright then, I'll go and dispose off this withered plants so be planting the other seedlings okay" she said, while looking at the both you.

"Okay,granny" the two of you said together at the same time. Upon hearing the answer she flashed a warm smile at the two of you.

"Oh and y/n please guide Shouto, he's new to this and might be slightly confused" she said to you.

"Sure I will" you responded. Hearing your answer, granny feeling contented left the two of you alone and went to dump the trash.

As she left, you looked at Shouto and said to him,"Shall we get started?"

"Yes, sure" he Noncalantly replied back.

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