Part 33

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Maddie's  P.O.V

Today we get to go home and take Mason with us. I'm so excited to really look after him and it just be Jack and I with Mason. Jack's mums going to help us when we need, witch where both so thankful for. Mason is super healthy now and he is the right weight and everything, I'm so thankful that he turned out so healthy.

"Alright I think we have everything." Jack says picking up all my bags. I sit in the wheel chair and hold Mason, His still so small but his healthy and a good weight so I'm excited to get home and be a mum. Jacks mum pushes me and Jack holds all of our bags. We get outside and Jack pulls his mums car up to the entry, so that its easier for us to get everything in. I place Mason in his car seat and sit in the back with him. 

When we get 'home' I take Mason up stairs and show him his room, even though he dosen't understand i wanted to show him. I sit down in Jacks bedroom and feed Mason, while Jack un packs the car. I wish I could help but I'm still trying to recover from the surgery. After Jack finish's un packing everything he comes up stairs too.

"I'm going to have a shower, can you watch Mason?" I ask Jack, Handing him Mason. "Come to dad bud." Jack says taking him, lying on the bed with him. I have a hot shower and take my time, It feels amazing to actually be able to shower after all of this. I showered at the hospital but there's nothing better then a 'home' shower.

I get out of the shower and get dressed into a new pair of pyjamas. I walk out of the bathroom, Jack and Mason both fell asleep together. Its the cutest thing i have seen. I take a photo and post it on twitter, also announcing Masons birth. It was too cute not to. I take Mason and place him in the 'Co-sleeper cot' and cuddle up next to Jack and I fall asleep. 

Katey's P.O.V

Iv been staying with Justin's the past week, after I got out of the hospital. His been so amazing to me ever since we first meet but i never thought of ever actually having feelings for him. Its crazy how things can change in a couple of months. Where not really dating as such but we have gone on a few dates together and we have been having sex a lot too. 

Iv been having morning sickness for the past couple of days, Me and Justin normally use a condom but the last few times we haven't. I hope I'm not pregnant, I mean i cant be right? Justin and me have a different relationship then what it used to be, we flirt alot now and we obviously have some feelings for eachother.  I'm sure he used to like Maddie. I asked him one time and he started acting wired. But i know now that he doesn't have them feelings for her anymore. 

Me and Justin want to surprise Maddie and Jack and fly out to Michigan, "We have to go back to the apartment so i can get some more clothes." I say grabbing my bag. "OK, lets go." Justin says getting his keys. We get in the car and Justin drives to the apartment that i haven't seen since i left it that day, 2 weeks ago.

I walk though the door and the apartment is cold and dark. I walk to my room and its like a tornado hit it. "What happened to your room? Don't you clean or something." Justin says standing in the door way, laughing. "I had a mad rampage the day I left. Don't mess with me, your room may look like this." I say laughing, trying to get off the topic. "ahaha, Hurry up our fights in 3 hours." He says sitting on my bed. I grab random clothes and pack them into a suitcase. 

We leave the apartment and drive to the air port. Maddie has no idea where coming, I'm excited to see her face. And I'm excited to meet little Mason, Maddie's been sending me photos of him to me everyday. We get to the airport and after walking though all the fans and paparazzi we get on the private jet, heading to Michigan. I cant hide my excitement, it feels like i haven't seen Maddie in months, when its only been around 3 weeks.

The jet lands and we go though the airport and grab our bags. We get into a car and head over to Jake's house. I'm kind of nervous but I'm so happy that i get to see Maddie again. The car parks up the drive way and we get out, walking to the door. I knock and we wait for someone to come.  Jacks mum answers it, "Hey, I'm Katey, Maddie's best friend. I just flow here from LA." I say, giving her a big smile. 

"Katey, how are you? Iv herd a lot about you. Good things don't worry. You guys must be here to surprise them. Ill go get them, come in. you guys can wait on the couch if you want." She says letting us in, we sit on the big couch's and wait for them to come down the stairs. 

"Katey?" Maddie says running down the stairs, hugging me. Jack follows behind her with Mason, "His so cute in person. Omg his so small." I say looking at little Mason. "You can hold him if you want." Jack says, handing me Mason. "Hello, Mason. That's wired calling him that. I'm used to 'nugget'." I say looking up at Maddie. "I know, I cant believe you guys flow out here." Maddie says smiling big. "How you feeling?" Justin says, asking Maddie. "Good, just in some pain still but other then that amazing." She says.

We all sit and talk in the lounge room for what seemed actually not that long but I check the time and its already 8pm, We have been talking for hours. "Well we better get going. I think where going to go for dinner somewhere." I say getting up, hugging Maddie. "Thank you for coming. text me tomorrow and we can chill more, only if you want to." Maddie says pulling away from the hug. "Yeah i would love to come chill. Thanks for having us Katherine." I say hugging Jacks mum. i say good bye to Jack and Mason and we leave.

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