Fallen for love? Or humilation?

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Makas POV
Heavily trying to help Soul keep up with me, I he'd his wrist more firmly and sprinted torwards forever 21. Let's just get this over with. Since I have "no fashion sense" or whatever you call it, I was so thankful tsubaki suggested this store before the breakdown with Soul. Not realizing my quickened pace, Soul broke up my thoughts by stating
"My shinigami Maka!! Slow down!!" Of course I ignored him. Due to the fact we were already here. My heels of my boot dug into the entrance floor, making a stop to my "marathon". The hard stop caused Soul to impact my body as we automatically made contact on the floor.

I didn't come to realize that Soul was on top of me, right in front of forever 21. I scrunched my eyes open, feeling a bit of pain, yet still being unscathed. Our legs were tangled on top of each other, as did our arms, letting parts of our body have no space what so ever. The warmth over took the cold tiled pavement, Still our heads were landed next to each other, inches away from each other's mouths. My head seemed to turn en route to Souls adjacent head. My forest green squinted eyes met his widen ruby ones. I know it would be Souls instinct to get up, for some reason, we just stood there...looking into each other's eyes.
Souls POV
Still having Maka's body pressed against mine felt really good. Even though she was flat chested, I didn't seem to mind. I-I mean 'we' both just lay on the cold, smooth, mall ground and just peer into each other's eyes. As if we'd never get tired of it. Along with eye-gazing, came cheeks burning as we blushed. Being the most pinkish blush we ever done together so far. Staring came from blushing to smiling in a millisecond. Shouldn't I feel angry? After the idiocy of Makas choices to drag me to her store sure would've inflicted my emotions & reactions... But some how, it didn't. Laying here on top of Maka felt right to me. And I didn't want anything to ruin the moment. Even if we were laying in the side of Forever 21 entrance.

Just as I thought things couldn't get any more awkward, an emphatic sound came piercing through my eye lobes. But the sound seemed to know my name. Couldn't really make it out, since I was focused on Maka. The focusing didn't seem to last long until I finally came to a conclusion on who and what the sound was. I slowly looked up. Meeting a blue headed wild child's graze, Black*Star.
"SOUL WHY ARE YOU ON TOP OF MAKA?! Is it fun?!! OF COURSE NOT! WITH OUT A BIG STAR LIKE ME, NOTHING IS FUN" he yelled, grinning widely from ear to ear as his grin began to change into a sly expression. He began to eye me weirdly, joining the crowd of shoppers at forever 21. I swear dropped, not wanting Black*Star to think I actually had feelings for Maka-which I don't. I don't like the looks of Black*Star teasing me the rest of the week about it. It's Black*star we're talking about. And if you know him for sure, then he'll never shut his god damn mouth.

Behind Black*Star, was expectedly Tsubaki. She always followed Black*Star, not really making an effort to mess with his braggarts. Yet she simply closed her eyes, and smiled at the boasting bastard. I still find it amazing on how she didn't find him the least bit annoying. That takes a lot of power. I envy that about tsubaki. In this case, I didn't envy her. In other words, she was a part of my relief. I knew she'd find a way to drag Black*Star out of this before he makes to many assumptions.
"Black star, it's not polite to interrupt Soul and Maka in their romantic moment!" She pleaded, finding her hand onto his shoulders directing him away from us. SHE DIDNT HELP AT ALL. Clearly she doesn't know I'm in this "dating thing" with Maka for Sapphire. My face began to become red, as it was pink before. I wide eyed Tsubaki and gave her the that-didn't-help-at-all-SOS look. Her expression was mixed with confusion and guilt. Only if we could telepathically speak, this event could've gotten smoother.

"THIS IS NOT A ROMANTIC MOMENT!" I responded, not even knowing Makas full pressed body was beneath me. Not even staring at her anymore. Out of the corner of my eyes, I noticed her sweat drop and grimaced expression. So what seemed like forever, I finally got up. First moving my hands and legs out of Makas way. Being careful not to damage her locks of ash brown hair. My arms and legs went from bent to straight as i hesitantly got up. Being the gentleman and cool guy I am, I lent my hand out for Maka as she quickly found the grip and I forced her upwards. Making her jump up on two feet.
She swear dropped once more as she just had now noticed practically everyone around us stood watching our little "embarrassing scene" and oh my have I just noticed it. My hand found its way to my hair, scratching it with nervousness. Murmurs began to fill the silence as Black*star and Tsubaki seemed to have disappear into the store. I almost forgot me and Maka were suppose to fake date. Since Black*Star was gone out of my sight, I could fill his questions later. Removing my hand from my head, I entwined my fingers with Makas as our arms were now in close contact with each other. I brushed off the silly people who took the time to watch the "fall" we've taken. I smirked at them, not really giving a shit anymore and broke the silence between me and Maka.
"Let's get this shopping shit done, Maka. What are we waiting for." I gave a cool smirk, starting to walk inside. She smiled softly, with passion at ease, making her eyes crinkle with delight as her smile grew from ear to ear. With a little bit of surprise from my reaction to the whole scene, I knew she was overjoyed, surprisingly as I was.

Hey guys! Sorry if this was a short chapter.. I can't tell lol but I hoped you liked it and I'm dearly sorry for any grammar, spelling, and use of words incorrectly. I haven't reread and revised it😅

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