Chapter 2

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Might as well amuse myself. I looked up and down the hallway and that was when I realised something. They were royals. Duh they are. Shut up conscience! Just stating a fact dont get so work up. Fine fine. I noticed portraits of people. Alya and Sam were in those portraits. They look so stern and formidable. Definitely don't want to cross them. As I glanced over their portraits, I saw that there was a portrait of a man. A king to be exact. The one where the portrait was at the highest position. Thanks captain obvious. You're welcome! Where's Anna portrait though? She's the Queen. I glanced around but I didn't see her portrait as high ranking as the King. Hers was in fact one of the same rank as Sam and Alya. There was another portrait of a woman next to Sam and Alya. I tried to squint but alas, I could not move.

"Excuse me miss?" I turned to look. A small petite woman with pointy ears was bowing towards me. "Hi, I'm Alycia, please don't call me miss and don't bow to me. It makes me feel uncomfortable. What's your name?" I asked her gently. "It's M-Mia." She stuttered as she guided me towards the door. She plucks out a key and unlocks the chains. " You will have to get in through the door, I'll leave you to be." I walked towards the door, knocking it. "Come in!" A voice called out. I stepped in. Good luck. What? I was shocked. Nevertheless, I stepped in. There were a total of 8 people sitting on thrones looking down at me. I looked back at them.

Anna appeared next to me. "Who unlocked the chains?!" "You did it didn't you?!" She slapped me hard AGAIN. Bah, another slap. What's wrong with this woman? I grumbled. "My Queen, it was I who did it. I told a servant by the name of Mia to unlock her chains. Certainly we can't expect her to walk into here?" Sam said calmly, bowing down. "Did I give you permission?!" She yelled. At the same moment, Sam's body jerked and twitched, screaming through her torture. No! "STOP!" Sam fell, sweat pouring on her face. "What did you say?" She grabbed me by the throat. "Anna stop at this instant!" Another voice interrupted. "But Ashy-" she pouted. "Get back to your seat." He ordered.

He turned to look at me. "So mortal, how did you do that?" He tilted his head. "No one has been able to disobey or break any of Anna's spells except for..."

Hi guys! Sorry for the late chapter! I can't believe that we have ten readers on two chapters of my book! As u see, I've been busy with school work and my recent breakup with my bf. I won't be posting for the next few weeks since I'm having exams. Enjoy! Pls vote :)

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