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Lilac walked through the playground of Rosebud Elementary and Kindergarten school. Her long blue hair trailed behind her as she walked towards the door of the school.

Suddenly a girl with medium long black hair, dark green eyes, and a dark green T-shirt approached her, "Lilac did you hear?" Lilac raised a brow, "Hear what?" The black haired girl rolled her eyes and said excitedly, "we're getting a new student!" She was hopping up and down in excitement while clapping her hands. Lilac's eyes widened. How did she not know? Her sapphire blue eyes swept over the black haired girl. "Holly you need to calm down." She scolded. Holly stopped hopping and blushed out of embarrassment.

She giggled a little bit, holding her hands behind her back. "Children it's time for class". Lilac turned her attention to the door where a lady with light blonde hair, dark eyes, and a sunflower dress was standing. Holly turned her head toward Lilac and grabbed her wrist. "We have to go Lilac! We don't want Ms. Willows to mark us as tardy!" Lilac giggled at Holly's eagerness to get to class. She never wants to get to class early, she's always eager to skip but doesn't because Lilac always drags her there. She obviously wants to meet the new student she's such a goof. Lilac thought amused. Then the two girls entered the school.

Lilac sat in her desk by Holly, who was trying to sit still. The black haired girl learned toward Lilac, "When do you think the student will be here?" She whispered to the blue haired girl.

Lilac shrugged as she sat down at her desk and turned to look at the front of the room. Ms Willows walked through the door and turned towards the class. "Attention everyone we have a new student joining us". Ms. Willows said in her normal sweet and cheerful tone. She gestured towards the door. "Come introduce yourself dear". With that a boy with peach-blonde hair, brown eyes, and a grey hoodie.

A new friend! I should talk to him after class. His brown eyes swept across the students. "My name is Jake...". He said softly. Lilac flashed him a reassuring smile, Jake smiled shyly at her and continued. "I love music especially singing." Lilac's eyes widened. He's a music lover, Like me! "Could you sing for us?" Lilac swiftly turned her head towards Holly, her dark green eyes were glittering with excitement.

Jake took a second to think and then he finally said, "Yeah sure, I guess I could". Ms. Willows nodded, then walked over to her desk to go on her laptop to start the music. She handed Jake a microphone, then he began to sing.

It's you
It's always you
If I'm ever gonna fall in love
I know it's gon' be with you
It's you
It's always you
Met a lot of people
But nobody feels like you
So please don't break my heart
Don't tear me apart
I know how it starts
Trust me I've been broken before
Don't break me again
I am delicate
Please don't break my heart
Trust me I've been broken before
I've been broken, yeah
I know how it feels
To be open
And find out your love isn't real
When Jake finished singing Lilac couldn't believe her ears, he's amazing! Holly started clapping and soon the whole class joined in including Lilac. "Alright class I have to go make some copies, I'll be right back." Ms. Willows said walking towards the door.

Right when she left the room Lilac heard laughing from behind her. "That was terrible!" Yelled a dirty blonde boy with pale blue eyes, a red shirt with a dark red stripe on it, and a white jacket around his waist. Lilac narrowed her eyes. "Singing is for girls, who would want to embarrass themselves on stage? What a loser!" He continued and then started laughing. Most of the class joined in, Lilac exchanged a worried glance with Holly and then glanced back at Jake. The peach-blonde boy's gaze had dropped to the floor, a frown forming on his face. She glance back at the dirty blonde boy behind her, you won't get away with this Pedro....

Lilac was leaning against one of the trees with her eyes closed alone at recess, Holly had tripped over a small rock and scraped her knee while playing hop scotch. Lilac opened one of her eyes and spotted the familiar peach-blonde boy across the play ground, he was sitting up agains a tree while reading a book.

Lilac smiled to herself until she saw Pedro and his group imbeciles walking towards the peach haired boy. He picked up Jake by the collar nudging him against the tree. He couldn't tell what Pedro was saying or rather yelling, but she could've sworn she saw tears escape Jake's eyes. I have to do something!

Lilac ran across the playground, her long hair blowing behind her, she skidded to a stop near Pedro. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" She snapped, gripping his shoulder.

Pedro let go of Jake and let him drop to the ground and turned towards her. "That's none of you're concern princess". His voice slithered like a viper. "The boys and I were just teaching this loser a lesson". Lilac's pupils narrowed. "First of all don't call me princess, second of all how dare you? What did he ever do to you?" She snapped.

She clenched her fists, fighting the urge to punch him in his stupid face. Pedro smirked, "it's simple really. I'm showing him who's in charge around, and didn't you hear he's a freak!" He turned towards Jake, who was trembling. "He's so weak he can't even defend himself! Pathetic!" He and his gang laughed menacingly.

"Besides this doesn't concern you, so stay out of this princess!" Lilac narrowed her eyes and turned away, she heard Pedro laughing. Rage washed over her, repeating the words he had said over and over again in her head.

She spun around swiftly, then punched Pedro in the nose. "Ow!" He screamed in pain as his buddies ran towards him. Lilac smirked evilly, the punch caused Pedro's nose to bleed. "Let's get out of here!" One of his buddies yelled. They helped Pedro up then ran away.

Lilac slowly approached peach haired boy who was watching in shock. Lilac sat on her knees in front of him. "Hi." She said warmly. Jake turned his head away from her. "Please don't hurt me". He whispered.

Lilac smiled sweetly, and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." She whispered. Jake turned towards her and smiled a little, Lilac pulled her arm back, smiling back at him. "Why did you save me?" He asked finally. Lilac met his gaze. "No one deserves to be treated like that, and besides you're not the only music nerd around her." She said sweetly, giggling a little.

Jake's eyes widened. "You love music to?" He asked in awe. Lilac nodded. "I love singing especially." Jake's eyes sparkled. "Do you maybe want to be friends?" He whispered. Lilac smiled, "I would love to." Jake smiled the biggest smile she had ever seen, his eyes sparkling with nothing but joy.

He wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. She hugged back, the two of them were in a tight hug neither of them have felt happier. I'll protect you I promise. I promise I will make sure no one will ever hurt you again. She then closed her eyes sinking into the hug, at that moment she had the brightest smile on her face. She new that from that day on she had a best friend for life.

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