The Agreement

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Hello, this is another Vox x Alastor story. In this book, Alastor's name will stay the same. However, Vox's name is Victor and Velvet's is Veronica.

TW: Cussing

3rd POV

     Victor Maximillian Oxley was a peculiar man. He is stoic and heartless, a mogul who was cold to anyone who knew him. He's the exact opposite of his friends. Valentino was a confident man who had no fear nor respect for anything or anyone. Veronica was as sweet as one could get. She's a good friend.

     Today, however, they were terrible.

     "C'mon, Vic. It'll be fun." came Valentino's deep voice. Veronica nodded, "Yeah, and we'll be able to hang out together all day! And eat beef jerky." Valentino gave her a look, "Some of us will eat beef jerky." Veronica giggled and enthusiastically nodded. Victor glared at the two intruders. "No. I like showering and having actual meals, thank you." Veronica whined, "Victor, c'mon. It'll be a fun trip. And we can hunt some deer or something." Valentino nodded, "You need to practice your aim, anyway."

     Victor sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Three days. That's it" Valentino and Veronica smiled. Veronica cheered, "Woo, this is going to be so much fun!" She happily skipped around, packing things for the trip. Valentino smiled and patted Victor's shoulder, "I'm heading out. Make sure you guys are ready for tomorrow." The tall man walked out, adjusting his pink sunglasses. "Don't bring heels," Victor called out. Valentino chuckled, "I won't."

     Victor turned to Veronica, "I think it's time I take my leave as well. See you tomorrow, Veronica." Veronica nodded then replied, "Alright then, see you tomorrow." With a wave, Victor was gone.

     The short walk to Victor's car was a sweltering venture. Once he finally saw the outline of the Bugatti, his shoulder slumped. The rims of the Bugatti were an electric blue. The lights as well shone a bright cyan-like blue. The body was a sleek black that shone in the sun. Finally, Victor entered his neatly polished automobile. He lifted a sweaty hand and turned the car on. With the A/C on, Victor could finally feel comfortable. Why anyone would hunt in this heat was beyond him, but here he was, agreeing to this wretched trip.

     He had a tight grip on the wheel the entire drive. Victor frowned intensified as he thought of the consequences. Why did he even agree to go hunting? With a sharp turn, he was in the refined neighborhood. His house was slowly surfacing. The stately structure, complimentary plants, and overall pristine made it quite dashing. With a rumble, Victor parked the car in the garage.

     He opened the ebony car door and walked towards an ivory door. He frowned as he struggled to open the large door. He sighed, the sound echoing throughout the empty house. He wasn't upset that no one greeted him. He wasn't isolated. Victor had a large tank filled with brightly colored fish. Right next to that tank was another filled with eels. In the center was a massive tank with a shark. It was enormous compared to their surroundings. Victor walked through the corridors, eyes dull with disinterest.

     Perhaps he should've listened to his father. If Victor were more affectionate and gallant, then Victor wouldn't be alone. If he could stop being a boor and start acting charming, then maybe life would be different. Victor hugged himself. He hated it when his self-loathing got too loud. It was frustrating how he knew that his mind was the one to blame. Victor was to blame for the thoughts. Not his father. Not his mother. Not Valentino. Not Veronica. Not his ex. It was all his fault.

     He opened his bedroom door, walking into the algid room. He took off the polished shoes he wore today. Then pulled the snug tie off his neck. Gradually, one by one, he removed each article of clothing he was wearing. Victor got up and walked to the tidy bathroom.

     He took a dark blue towel from the rack and placed it near the shower. With a shudder, Victor picked up his toothbrush and some toothpaste. He pulled open the glass door and stepped in. Victor turned the cold knob to the left. His broad shoulders relaxed as the tepid water suddenly hit him. He sighed softly. Victor's favorite part of the day was when the warm water hit his stiff back while he scrubbed the grime off of his body. Truly heavenly. After washing his hair and body, he began to brush his pearly whites. Victor opened the door and wrapped his waist with the towel.

     He dried off with another towel that matched the one on his waist. Victor walked back to his freezing room. Victor opened the drawers as he picked out his sleepwear. When Victor finally got dressed, they slowly walked towards his bed. He slowly sank into the dark blue comforter. He closed his blue eyes and drifted off to a deep slumber.

~Tomorrowing Morning~

     A loud ringing caused Victor to get up. With a groan, he checked his ringing phone. On the top, it said Valentino. Victor frowned and pressed the answer button. "What do you want, Tiny." A chortle came from the phone, "That's a new one. Anyways, I was reminding you to pack and get ready for the trip. Less, you want Veronica to get irate." Victor sighed, "I know, Valentino. I'll be at her house in about an hour or two. How's that sound to you?" Valentino responded, "Sounds good, Viccy. See you later." A beep rang out the empty room. Victor sighed, slumping down, "I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm going through abnegation willing for those invidious brats."

     He lamented his life decisions as he pulled the warm blanket off his cold body. He shuffled through the room, gathering items for the trip. He walked to the kitchen and filled the rest of the bag with snacks. Who knew what those to fuckers were going to bring for sustenance. After he filled the bag, he went back upstairs. He brushed his teeth and enjoyed the last shower he was going to take for a while. He frowned. He was going to miss his favorite activity.

     He opened the garage door and walked into the stuffy room. With a click, his remarkable car opened. Victor stepped in and turned the A/C on. He rode the trip in complete silence. Though, he couldn't be bothered to listen to gaudily cheerful voices nor songs that hadn't an ounce of sensibility. With a loud screech, the car came to a stop. He walked out of the spacious automobile and walked towards the oak door.

     Victor knocked on the large door, "It's Victor, open the door." He waited before hearing a click. The door opened to reveal a tall man, pink sunglasses hung low on his nose, and his golden tooth gleamed in the sunlight. "We almost thought you were going to flake on us, Viccy." Victor scoffed at Valentino's remark. Victor retorted, "I should've when I had the chance. However, I was already on the road." Valentino gave looked flippantly at Victor, "Yeah, right. You were going to stay alone in that garish house of yours, for sure." Victor sighed, "Are you going to let me in, Val?" Valentino grinned, then responded, "Sure, Viccy." Valentino moved his statuesque form.

     Once everyone had gotten fixed and ready to go, they were all crammed into Valentino's bright pink truck. "Yeah, we're going to go hunting in a fucking pink truck. No animal is going to notice that." Victor snarkily remarked. Valentino groaned, "This early on the trip, and you're already bitching. Calm your tits, Viccy. We're going to change out this truck for another one." Velvet sighed at the two bastards bickering, "Damn, can you guys stop arguing for five minutes, please. It's goddamn annoying." They looked at Veronica. If looks could kill, they would be six feet under, without a doubt. The truck bounced as they rode through the road. Finally, they made it to a massive warehouse. Valentino walked out and talked to a couple of different men. Then all three were switching to a camouflage-colored truck. They started riding again, this time towards the woodlands.

So, what did y'all think? Next chapter, I'm introducing Alastor, by the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2021 ⏰

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