nose bleeds and shattered glass | angst/semi-smut

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Summary: inspired by F.T Willz poems (and if you know what I'm talking about, you know. You know)

Tw- domestic abuse, cheating

Here's a short and simple one. I made this one quickly and rushed it but I was in the mood to write something angsty so eh

Can you pick up the phone, please?

Three days, nine hours and six seconds in and I'm starting to get the feeling that your no longer on the other end.

I know what I said, I meant it. Maybe it'll be easier that you hate me now.

Don't say it was a mistake, don't tell me it's wrong. Won't you come and say it to me? That it's not right? Please just say it to me.

Five days, three hours and twenty minutes, and I'm still trying. I can't stand it anymore. Everyone is worried. I feel sick. It makes me sick.

I haven't left my room since. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. My work called, said I could be fired. I can't move from my bed though.

You can tell me the stories again. Rip your guts out and cry into my shirt. I know how much she likes to hurt you. Your fighting each day. You love her with your whole body though. Even when she pulls your hair out and holds you down. When she cuts your lip and screams. You don't ever scream.

We're crying, moving with each other. I'm pulling you in tightly, you bite my neck as my tears stain yours. Your fractured. Your eyes reminisce of broken glass. I can't stop looking at them, they're cutting through me.

I hate the phrase "I love you". I know you do too. It's too simple of a line. It feels in-genuine.

Maybe it's too selfish of me to want you to come over again. To kiss your crooked fingers and bruised eyes. A sad sight for such a porcelain face. If only just to feel your frail heart against mine.

You're loosing grip, I know it. I ask that you never let go.

I know you can't look at me anymore, but just know, my apartment is too empty now. I'll let you stay the night. Or forever. I'll do anything at this point.

Two weeks, three days and what feels like a year, the phone is ringing, it says your name.

You took your things and your car and you left.

You're at my door. You're a mess. I don't say anything. You're crying, your clawing me. I don't say anything. I said I'd do anything, didn't I?

You're hurting and you're apologizing. I touch your arm and don't say anything. Love was always unfair, wasn't it?

It's tiring, and I know your tired. You could take the bed and I could sleep outside if you wanted.

There's a painkiller behind your lips and I fight back the urge to find it. Your lips on mine were sad and swollen, as they always were. We're on our knees, hurting against the wooden floor. I'm careful touching your hair, soft and dark. I kiss the scratches on your neck, the bruises on your wrists.

I know it hurts. It hurts to look at me now, but I beg that you do. I'll keep you in the protection of my arms. We'll build the walls together. Call it a castle or a pile of bricks, it'll be ours and only ours. We'll scream for hours until our lungs give out, my body deflates and I'm nothing but a husk. Hold you as we rock and forget the world for a while. All I ask is that you never let go, so I won't ever do the same.

I promise.

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