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Azariel: name of Hebrew origin whose meaning is "the one who dominates the waters".

Without further delay, our new story begins.



The sky was cloudy, the birds flew through the dark clouds and the dolphins swam peacefully through the sea just like the fish. A ship appeared through the gray clouds, the sailors sang as they raised a net full of fish.

[Sailors]: I'll tell you a tale of the bottomless blue and it's hey to the starboard, heave-ho. Look out, lad a mermaid be waiting for you in mysterious fathoms below♪♪..

[??]: Isn't this great?..-A girl with black hair said to her dog- The salty sea air, the wind blowing in your face..-She lets out a deep sigh, as her hair blew through the wind. She turned to the side with a smile- A perfect day to be at sea..

[Grimsby]: Oh yes. Delightful..-Grimsby, the girl's royal advisor and caretaker, said sarcastically, leaning over the side of the ship, seasick-

[...]: A fine strong wind and a following sea...-Said a sailor while pulling a rope- King Triton must be in a friendly type mood ..

[??]: King Triton?..

[...]: Why, ruler of the merpeople..-Said another sailor, who was putting the fish that were in the net in the barrels- Thought every good sailor knew about him..

[Grimsby]: Merpeople. Erica, pay no attention to this nautical nonsense..

[...]: But it ain't nonsense. It's the truth.. I'm tellin' ya! Down in the depths of the ocean they live! Oh!..

The fish that the sailor had, escaped from the sailor's hands as he hit Grimsby's face before falling into the sea. The fish looked towards the boat for a few moments before taking a deep breath.

The fish smiled as it swam in one direction, until mermaids and mermans appeared, swimming in the same direction. They all crossed a cave of rocks, before revealing the beautiful kingdom of Atlantica.

To be continue...

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