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Rob sits down in his seat, completely confused by the situation he had found himself in. Sigrid turns around to make sure he's okay. "What happened? You didn't bring any of the papers." "I'm sorry, I got distracted." Rob answers quickly. "It's fine. It's not like we need them to survive." She says with a smile to calm him down. Rob smiles back and tries to distract himself with the paperwork laying in front of him. He tries to grab his pen but it rolls off his desk.

"Let me get that for you, Jetten." Jesse, who has returned as nothing happened, picks the fallen pen up. "Don't call me Jetten." Jesse rolls his eyes. "I'm sorry, your royal highness! Forgive my humble self." He dramatically bows down and walks back to his seat. He slips the pen into his pocket. Sigrid tries her best not to burst out laughing while handing Rob a new pen. He sighs and tries to refocus on his work.

When the debate is finally over Rob walks over to Jesse's desk. "Give it back." Rob impatiently folds his arms. "Finders keepers." Jesse says without even looking at him. "How old are you? five? Give it back." Rob reaches for Jesse's pocket but Jesse grabs his wrist before he can do so.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, pretty sure that's illegal."

Jesse's tight grip surprises Rob. Not in a good way, but certainly not in a bad way.

'Pretty sure it's against the rules to bring a girl into your office." Jesse lets go of Rob's wrist when he hears his annoyed tone.

He stands up from his seat and since he's a little bit taller than his colleague, he looks down on him. "Jealous, Jetten?" Jesse's arrogant stance and his eyes staring right through him, feel intimidating to Rob but he tries not to show it. "No, I'm not. It's just the rules. And don't call me Jetten." He says, avoiding Jesse's eye contact. "The rules, Right. Can I leave now, "Rob"?" He didn't even realize he was blocking Jesse's way. Rob steps aside with an awkward smile. Without saying a word or making eye contact, Jesse leaves the room.

A frustrated Rob enters the living room. He dramatically lets himself fall on the couch, next to his boyfriend. "Tough day?" Sjoerd asks while looking at his phone. Rob sighs and nods his head. "Annoying colleagues." He answers. "Right. How's the planning going?" Sjoerd is one of the few people who know about the big party coming up. He also knows it's really exhausting for Rob to keep up with the planning while working. "It's fine, I just want it to be perfect." "I know you do." Rob rests his head on his boyfriend's lap. He gives him a smile when he looks up. "I'm sorry I've been so busy lately. How are things going for you?" "Busy. We really should go and get some rest, don't you think?" Sjoerd's short answer isn't something Rob is used to. Usually, Sjoerd shares every little detail with him when Rob comes home from work. "Are you alright?" Rob asks slightly concerned. "Yeah I'm fine, I just really need my sleep." Rob nods and watches Sjoerd leave the room.

The alarm goes off, but Rob never fell asleep. He softly taps on his sleeping boyfriend's shoulder. 'Sjoerd?' Silence follows, so he tries again. 'Sjoerd, honey?' Sjoerd turns around and gives Rob a sleepy nod. 'Are you sure everything is okay? You seemed a bit off yesterday.' Rob slowly pulls himself up to sit straight and lets his head rest against the bed frame. "Yeah, I'm fine." Is the only answer Rob receives. Sjoerd's sudden change in behavior bothers him, but he lets it go for now. Rob rolls out of bed and gets himself ready for the day.

A big sigh escapes Rob's mouth when he sees his curly-headed colleague talking with Sigrid. He leans against Rob's desk. Sigrid greets Rob with a smile. Jesse turns his head to him but doesn't say a word. "You look lovely, Sigrid!" Sigrid smiles at Rob's compliment. "Thank you, I love the suit you're wearing." Jesse rolls his eyes at all the compliments flying around. "You look good too, don't worry." Rob winks subtly at him. Jesse didn't expect that at all. Still, without showing any surprise on his face he returns to his blue seat.

Rob knows that Jesse didn't see that wink coming. Stupidly enough, it gives him a powerful feeling. That wink made him feel more confident for the moment. Sigrid notices the smirk on Rob's face and laughs softly. "Really showing 'em who's boss today, aren't you?" Laughter erupts from the two parliamentarians.

"Mister Klaver, representing GroenLinks."

Jesse ignores the D66 party leaders and walks upfront to the lectern.

"If we don't act now our children will have to bear the consequences of our actions. That's why GroenLinks will do everything we can to fight climate change." Jesse ends his plea with a nod towards his "crowd". Again, Rob is impressed by Jesse's Skill to write good speeches. He decides not to comment on it this time, knowing he'd get a smartass answer in return.

Jesse walks back to his seat with a proud feeling. Not too much, just enough to keep him happy. This time, Jesse is the one winking at Rob. The confusion and surprised look on his face make feel Jesse even better. Rob's smile turned into an annoyed look on his face. It felt satisfying to Jesse for some reason. "Asshole." Rob mumbles to himself. "I can hear you." "Good."

The sun is already going down. Rob stares at the beautiful sky from his office. The orange and pink tones look amazing with the clouds. A knock on the door snaps him back to reality. "Come in." The door opens slowly and the last person he'd expect walks in. Prime minister Mark Rutte walks in with a big smile. "Good evening! I'll make it quick, I know you're a busy man." Rob wasn't busy at all, but he lets Rutte speak. "I thought planning the party might be a lot to do on your own, so I asked someone to help you organize everything." Mark is right, the organizing was very difficult to do alone. "That's very nice of you, I appreciate it." Rob is surprised by the kind gesture. He's also very curious about who he'll work with. "No problem, he should be here in a few minutes. I have to go now but you'll be fine for now, right?" The prime minister adjusts his glasses while waiting for Rob's reaction. "Yes, thanks again." He smiles at Mark as he walks out of the office.

Rob opens all the documents and plans he has made for the party. He gets interrupted by the door that swings open. Rob looks up from his laptop and sighs when he sees the person in front of him. "Make it quick, I have a meeting in a few minutes." Jesse rolls his eyes. "Rude, not nice to welcome a new member of the party committee like that." Rob looks confused at the curly-headed colleague. "Of course he didn't tell you, I'm the one he asked to help you with the whole party planning thing." Jesse's hands disappear in his two pockets. The jaw of his colleague drops dramatically. "You've got to be kidding me." 

Party planners // Rob Jetten x Jesse KlaverWhere stories live. Discover now