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Error retreated to the alleyway he has forced himself to stay in.
He couldn't face his mother after killing Fresh after all, and killing Decans too.
He's such a disgrace... That's what he heard the police call murderers anyways.
And he was no different.

He shakily sighed as he then looked up at the hammock before he then used his strings to pull himself up and then slowly nestled himself in the strings.
He then leaned back and took a bite of the apple he had stolen.
Of course he stole it, he doesn't have any money after all.
Choking on a sob, he could feel his tears rise again. Why... Why did Geno have to die...
If he can turn back time, he would.
Taking another bite of his apple as he then stared at the family photo in his hands.
He tried his best to do a watery smile, but he couldn't and only ended up in a more sobbing mess.

He then bit into his arm and screamed into it to muffle himself.
He can't let others hear him and get alarmed after all.
He then pulled his hand away and wiped his tears away. No, he's not giving up now...
There- There has to be an actual way to turn back time... There has to be...
Error then outstretched his hand, hoping for some miracle to happen. Nothing... Ha...
He looks like a dumbass...
That's what he is, a dumbass...

It's his fault that Geno died after all...


No, he can't wallow in self pity now.
With Determination coursing through him, he will find a way back...
He can't... He can't just give up now.
No, he has to find a way to bring his family back... It- It's possible right...?
Especially with all those time travel books that Mom used to read... Yeah. It's possible alright...

But how can he even start?
He doesn't even have enough money to feed himself... And he's been living in the streets for... Probably a week now...
His mom must be so worried...
That's it, he can't have his family sad.
He's Determined.
Error quickly shuts his eyesockets when he suddenly saw a bright light.
Slowly turning to the light source, his eyesockets widened when he saw a square box with the word RESET floating in front of him... What...?
Error looked around, but found that nothing was holding him.
He stared at the thing, what even is that?
Where did it come from...? What...

Error continued to stare at it for a while.
Does it even do anything but float?
With curiosity staying in his mind, he reached out and touched it.
A soft ping sounded and his vision went white.

454 Words

His will to SAVEWhere stories live. Discover now