2. The Quidditch Thing

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She looks better today. Much more lively, hopefully not putting a fake front to make everyone think she's fine as usual. Maybe it's because the glamour charm is back on again, a bloody great one because now she looks normal and I hate it.

She should be able to take it off and look exactly the same. Who'd have thought that dating the Chosen One would be emotionally exhausting?
Now that I think about it, it makes sense. He's always in the spotlight and sometimes forgets that he has a girlfriend, yet when he does spend time with her, it's always to nitpick at anything she does, as if it "ruins" his image.

Quidditch tryouts don't officially start until next week, but Ginny insists I come along to the pitch and get some fresh air instead of , and I quote, "choking on book scented dust particles". I should be offended but I guess some fresh air is good for me.

We head off to the pitch in the early afternoon, straight after lessons, joined by Luna and a small gathering of students from all houses. I think we've all been through a lot so a silent truce is passed between the rivalling houses in lessons as well as on the pitch.

I watch students divide themselves into mixed teams and since it's a friendly game, only the Quaffle is in play and no snitch. I always have a book with me when Quidditch is involved and right now I have Little Women in my hands. I found this book amongst others in my childhood home, where we were moving stuff to my parents new home in Australia. It caught my eye and so I took it with me, along with other books too.

I look up from where I'm sitting and just watch her flying. Ginny definitely will make Quidditch captain next week. This is the kind of stuff Harry would love to see but he's not here.

Cheers are coming from both teams as Ginny swoops and swirls in the air, Quaffle in hand and most likely showing off to everyone as her way of staking claim of the team captain spot. I wouldn't blame her, she is truly spectacular. If only Oliver Wood could see her now, he's be so proud.

As lovely as it is to see my best friend fly, Little Women is crying out for me to read her and I happily oblige, slowly eating each page until the game is over. When I'm done and, coincidentally, the others are too, it's already sunset and the pitch is now a warm, orange hue.

I walk down to the others, some still in the air trying to catch the last sun ray while others are already heading to the changing rooms and hit the showers. I notice Luna speaking to one of her house mates and it only just clicks that we'd spent the whole time in the stands together and I never noticed.

I see Ginny walking towards me with a million Gelleon smile. She's going to be back to her old self in no time.

'Can you hold my broom for a sec 'Mione? Got to grab my stuff from the changing rooms. Some of the girls and I are going to the Prefect Bathroom instead of showering here. You and Luna can come too?'

My eyebrows raise as I take her broom,watching her disappear into the changing rooms, leaning my chin on the handle, while my book is tucked into my armpit. Ginny comes out again and I speak.

'But we aren't Prefects, Gin. Plus, I have some work to do, sorry' . Though I did want to go, my desk was already piled with independent work I wanted to do and I really want to do well this year. Ginny gave me a knowing smile and tilted her head towards the group of students still chattering.

'Hannah got the password off Ernie in exchange for a "favour"',Ginny turns to look at me and shrugs.

I roll my eyes and smile , still leaning on the broomstick with my chin, my mouth moving on the wooden surface. That is the worst possible thing to do because, as I move my mouth to smile,my head tilts forward so my mouth is really close to the broom handle and that is when I feel a sharp sting just below my lip.

A splinter.

'Ow, ow, ow. I have a splinter under my lip. Has anyone got tweezers?'. I look at Ginny, takes her broom and lays it on the ground and walks me into the changing rooms.

'It's dark out here, I need to get a good look at it to see where it is, so I can take it out.' , she gently lifts my chin and , not so gently drags me to the nearest lamp. Luna skips in and presents a pair of tweezers with a bow.

'In Divination today, my crystal ball predicted that something of mine would be useful for a friend in the near future and here I am.' , Luna smiles and gives Ginny the tweezers.

'Why have you got tweezers in your bag? 'Mione and I clearly don't.' , Ginny starts to focus on my splinter, which stings a lot by the way my eyes are watering. I keep fighting the urge to lick my lips in order to soothe the sting but I stop myself in case it gets worse.

'Lavender always told me that tweezers are always useful in emergencies and so I promised I'd always have a pair if she was in an emergency.' Luna answered Ginny's question with a smile, though it looked a little sad, she tried to hide it.

There is a brief silence in the room, us all remembering Lavender ever since she passed in the War.

'Got it!', Ginny breaks the silence and brings the tweezers up to the lamp to inspect the splinter, which there is no need for but that's just Ginny in general. After a quick "scorgify" on the tweezers, they are given back to Luna, who proudly ticks them in her pocket with a pat.

'Oh, Luna? Before you leave, could you tell the girls outside that I'll meet them at the Prefects Bathroom, you can join if you want.' she tells her, watching Luna nod and leaving me and Ginny alone in the Girl's Changing Rooms.

The silence is comfortable so I use the time we have together and alone to thank her for getting the splinter, to which she tells me it's "really no big deal" and proceeds to dab my "injury area" with a warm, wet cloth. I just let her do it, no point in arguing with her because she would've done it wether I said yes or no.

'Y'know, my mum always said that a kiss always makes things better. I heard that "kissing it better" is also a saying with muggles too?' , Ginny is looking me in the eye completely serious. I can't tell if she's going to laugh and say she was kidding or laugh and actually follow through. I mean, I don't think she would anyway, would she?

She obviously goes for the latter because she catches me off guard. 'Come her 'Mione. Let me give you a real smacker!' , she starts making loud kissy faces, which make me laugh but before I can turn away, it happens.

Her lips come onto mine. At first, I'd thought it would be a peck and we'd laugh about it later but this is not what's happening. Her kiss is soothing, coaxing, calming. She makes me forget about the uncomfortable sting, all while taking my breath away and making my heartbeat stutter. Before I can control my actions, I kiss back. This is new ground we've covered. No turning back now, no regrets, no nothing.

It last no more than a blink before I break the kiss and cover my mouth, eyes wide and shock settles in.

'Merlin, what have I done? I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have done that!' I am starting to stress and Ginny isn't saying nor doing anything. I think we're both in shock and I'm kind of glad that she'll be with the other girls in the Prefects Bathroom, rather than in our dorm because, for the first time in our years of friendship, the silence between us is awkward.

'Hey, it's nothing. Friends kiss friends you know. If you see it from a different perspective, you've now kissed two Weasleys so you can make a collection and kiss everyone in my family.' Ginny shrugs the same way Ron would when he feels nervous.

'Ginny, that is probably the worst thing you could say right now' , I feel like I'm running out of air.

'Just lightening the mood. Honestly don't worry about it. We're good though, right?', she looks at me with raised eyebrows and a tentative smile on her lips. Those lips that I kissed. Those lips that kissed mine.

I don't think I can speak so I just nod with a tight smile. I watch her gather her things and tell me she'll see me later. She doesn't look the way I feel so I guess it really was nothing to her. But it wasn't like that for me.

What am I gonna do? Is this why I couldn't see a relationship with Ron working? Is it because I'm not attracted to men?

I have so many questions and not enough time to answer them so I rush back, taking deep breaths on my way back to the castle because that "thing" that just happened with Ginny has shifted our relationship into a grey area of uncertainty because how the heck am I going to behave around her now?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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