Chapter 7 Felix

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(In Korea)

D and Cobra were sitting in the living room of a Korean house that they found in the woods. By the looks of the house no one had lived in it for years so it was a perfect place for the two to hide from the foundation.

They were able to escape the faculty they were originally contained in the same way Crystal and the others were able to but they got out through a different pipe that led to a different part of the outside. After their escape they managed to hide themselves among the humans which were easy enough for both of them. D looked like any other human woman so it was easy for her to blend in. She just had to cover up the black patches on her body with clothes and Cobra just had to keep her fox part hidden from humans and keep away from dogs.

Right now they were trying to relax and have some tea to calm down because they almost got caught and thankfully Cobras psychic powers was what prevented them from being found out. D then looked to Cobra who was reading a newspaper. She had noticed that Cobra's ears were drooped down and her face showed worry and fear.

D asked "hey Cobra is you OK"?

Cobra then looked to D and showed her the newspaper and what D read made her blood go cold. It said "Two Local Men found dead cause of Death frostbite. Hearts have also been removed surgically. The cause of frostbite is unknown as it is the middle of summer. Police are trying to find the one responsible for death and how they could've frozen the victims''.

D knew that it had to be Frostbite. She's the only one who could've frozen them and taken their hearts like that. D knew that she would continue to kill like this until she got what she wanted but D questioned why she would take their hearts. All Frostbite needed was Crystal's blood to gain more power. She was also wondering how she could've gotten out of the facility alive because she was infected with the flesh that hates unless she found a red pill then there was no way she could've gotten out of that alive.

Cobra then brought D out of her thoughts when she said "D what do we do Frostbite is somehow alive and what if she goes after us what if"?

D put her hand on Cobra's shoulder and said " Cobra it's going to be Ok we just got to keep up our Human act and that means no killing humans and let's not go to a furry convention cause last time you were there and went on a killing spree. I don't blame you cause they were making your kind sound like a sexual thing and it's insulting for you but it can easily blow our cover".

Cobra nodded understanding why D wanted them to blend in with other humans. If reports of them got out then the foundation would be on them like a hake and its prey. So she nodded and decided if she wanted a liver then she'd get one from an animal and not a human.

(Back at the foundation)

Felix was in his room reading up on some SCP files he wasn't in the brightest of moods because he found out that him and Crystal as well as her evil counterpart had been classified as SCP's. He was given the classification safe, Crystal keter, and that evil counterpart Thaumiel. He didn't know why they did this but he didn't complain because he knows that they won't listen to him.

Felix's thoughts then went to his childhood with his parents who he hasn't talked to for years now. His parents had always favored his older brother over him whenever his brother needed something they would help him out with but for him they wouldn't even spare him a glance before telling him to figure it out himself. They had always neglected him and made fake promises like a spelling Bee he went to they promised him that they would go but they never showed up, only his aunt and Uncle did show up.

Crystals Adventures with the SCP Foundation Book 2Where stories live. Discover now