Season 1 - Episode 2

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I wake in amongst the softest feeling I have ever felt before. Feathers. Wait, feathers?!?! I arise from my morning wake to see no island, no palm trees, no coconuts and no sea. Everything is gone. At first, I panick but then I see my friends. They are still sleeping but not for long when out of absolutely nowhere, crawling out of the shadows is the biggest most frigthening scorpion I have ever seen. 6 feet tall, with it's pointer almost hitting the ceiling of the room with four, white walls, and a bunch of feathers scattered on the floor. I am confused, overwhelmed and worried. So, the only thing I think to do is wake up Pixy and Orion. They are just as nervous as I am. That's when a black, dark horse comes out from behind the scorpion, and at the same time, so does a gigantic black dragon, that looks not only hungry but as if it wants to kill every signle one of us. We all huddle close, and I use my telepathy to tell all of them to use their super powers to get out of this situation, but as I am scrolling through them all, none of them seem to be helping. That's when I remeber teleportatoin. I grab everyone's hand and try to teleport of this room. Back to the island. But I don't actually know where I am, and the room won't let us get through it. 'Darn it.' I say. Then. We all huddle together, like a group of penguins and wait for the worst to come.

The animals, well, they are more of monsters, don't actually seem to be moving towards us. The dragon looks hungry but it isn't eating us, the scorpion looks like it wants to sting us but it's pointer is still and the black horse looks like it wants to trample us, but it is just standing there. Everyone stares at everyone else, for a while. Then, the scorpion builds up the courage to talk to Orion.!?!? 'Orion. I am Skorpios. I am your mythical pet. I will keep you safe. But first, you must defeat the scorpion inside me, it is controlling me right now. This is why I am all black and intimidating. But I can be your long lost animal companion is you defeat the scorpion inside of me.' Orion is speechless. I don't blame him. Because I am too, and so is Pixy. Then Skorpios steps back and lets the black horse talk to Pixy. 'I am Rosette. I was once a beatiful horse, that roamed the lands of the field, galloping away, with no worries or problems. But then, I have my baby foal, Rose, and she was my new responsibility. But the farmer sold me and I got taken away from my baby. I was treated terriblty, and when I escaped. the world I knew seemed to turn on me, if you can make me see the wonders of the world again, I will keep you safe, and be your long-lost animal companion.' Then, I hear Pixy whisper a quiet 'thank you'. And then, the enormous, fire-breathing dragon introduces itself, taling to me this time. 'Greetings. I am Death. I was held in a glass tank for fourteen years, just so that people could see you me, and take photographs of me, and so that young children to pull faces at me, but then I decided one day that I had had enough. I broke through the glass that I had tried to smash through so many times, but this time I made it through, I flew away, and hid in the shadows for a while. And I now despise humans because I believe they will all treat me the same way.' I nearly cry, I feel so sorry for the dragon. But I can tell the positive side is coming. 'If you can show me that not all humans are mean and terrible, I will be your pet, your long-lost animal companion.' I nod my head, and so do Pixy and Orion.

Orion is the first to stand up. 'How do I defeat the scorpion inside you, Skorpios?' He asks. Skorpios seems to shrivel and out of the first layer of his skin is a little scorpion. The average size this time, which I am very gald to see. But it's pointer seems to be getting bigger and bigger, it's get a more diluted, red shade and the worrie grows on Orion's face. Then the scorpion chanrges at Ethan. He uses his superpowers and breathes fire on the scorpion, but it doesn't seem to effect it. So he tries to shoot fire out of his hands but that doesn't effect it either. 'So, uuh, heat doesn't do anything, huh? Well, uuh, what about this?' I can tell he is nervous but porceeds anyway. He is so kind-hearted, he wants to help Skorpios. And so do I, but I know I have to let Orion do this alone.

So, Orion decides that he will try his defence abilites and creates a force field, but the scorpion just comes right through the wall. I can tell that Orion is really frightened, he's running out of powers. Next, he runs from one side of the room to the other, at the speed of light. But that doesn't make a difference because the rooom is really tiny anyway, and the scorpion can reach him fast too. It would just be a pointless game of cat and mouse. So he uses his final superpower, illusion protector. And when he does, the scorpion disappears. Everyone is astonished. It is just...gone. Then, when Orion stops using that power, it comes back and Orion puts the power on again. 'I can't do this forever.' he says, and that's when I know it's my que. 'If you believe it isn't there. Truly believe and it won't be.' Orion looks scared, I don't know how to comfort him, but he nods his head and swallows hard. He closes his eyes and just stands there. Then, the scorpion turns into but a poof of air. Everyone is thankful and the three of us group-hug. But we all know that the danger isn't over yet.

The dark, black horse steps up to Pixy. 'You must make me see the world through another set of eyes.' The horse steps back and Pixy is eager to help the horse. 

The fresh air is sweeter than ever before.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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