thirty- five

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Listen... I know that many of you wanted a smut scene. However, I have to be in the ~mood~ to write one of those and I've been so busy with school that I just haven't been able to write that kind of scene and make it actually good. So, that being said, you get what you get and you don't get upset.

If any of you comment something like ROBBED or some shit I will pout and be sad. 

Maybe I'll go back and write chapter 34.5 in a few weeks, so be patient.


Trigger Warning: This chapter discusses eating disorders. If this is too difficult for you to read, please don't. For those struggling with this, I'm here for you. Personal message me for a summary of this chapter if you can't read it, or just message me if you need a friend to talk to about this.


The next few weeks pass by slowly as graduation nears closer and closer. I'm ready to get the fuck out of high school and settle into a new life with Axel. Things have been going really well with us.

Really fucking well.

We just balance each other out. I'm super loud out out-there while he's quiet and pensive. We push each other out of our comfort zones, we challenge each other to improve in different ways, and I love that.

Axel has been trying really hard to be the best possible mate. I honestly don't know where the hell I would be without him. I've felt lighter and happier than I have ever felt in my life. It's like all my life there has been a weight on my heart that I didn't even know was there until Axel lifted it off and set me free.

I've always been a generally confident guy, but I still had my insecurities when I lived with my parents. All of the doubts I had about myself seem to have disappeared, and I'm loving this new version of myself.

I feel like I owe Axel for all that he's done for me. I still haven't given him the presents I bought for him when I bought a whole bunch of stuff for myself. After I almost broke his bank account, he made me ask him before I bought anything. Good thing I already ordered stuff for him!

In the past few weeks, I have pranked Axel twice. I put duct tape on the toilet paper roll, adding only a thin layer of toilet paper around it so he wouldn't notice. Axel was not happy when he took a shit that day.

Another time, I changed the contacts of my friends on my phone, so every time they texted me that weekend, it looked like random guys were texting me all the time. When I say that Axel got jealous, that is an understatement. He demanded to know who I was texting with so much and why I kept laughing when Aaron (Anya), D'Andre (Dan), and Trey (Thomas) texted.

My ass was sore after that one.

While I was renaming their contacts after Axel found out their real identities, he also discovered that his own contact name was Axie Poo. Suffice to say, he made me change it immediately and fucked me well after that, too.

I also tried to bake a cake with salt instead of sugar, but he caught on and didn't end up eating it. His sense of smell is too good for that. There were a few other failed pranks, but I got him twice, so I can't complain.

I got out of school early today. It's an early release, so I get to go home early and do whatever the fuck I want. What sucks is that it isn't an early release day for teachers. They usually stay back and do work while the students leave. So, Larry ends up wanting to stay. I decide that I'll walk back home today. I don't want to bother anyone, so I call Axel on my way back because I know I'll be bored if I walk with no company.

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