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Enjoy the first chapter :)

They say that high school is fun. They say it's the time of your life, that it's filled with experiences like your first crush on the hot lead cheerleader, or cheating on tests with your best friends, or weekend study sessions with your classmates and shitty fast food restaurants at midnight.

All I relate to is the shitty food part.

I dread walking to the cafeteria where they serve you fuck-knows-what on a plastic tray and call it a day. Seriously, yesterday I waited twenty-five minutes in line just to consume a bendable slice of "pizza" with an almost play-dough-like consistency.

You bet your ass that I didn't eat that shit.

At this shithole, I survive off of chocolate pop-tarts and hide as much of my face as possible that is still socially acceptable with a beanie and hope I don't get noticed.

Except, I've learned that my hopes are never answered in the ways I wish. Hope is saved for the popular kids- the ones with parents who adore them. The ones with friends who gossip about Jared Stein, the star linebacker who has a magic dick- or so I've heard.

I wonder why I don't have friends like that at this school.

On my way to the cafeteria, I'm intercepted and shoved into a locker full-force by none other than Brenden Matthews, the stupidly hot and stupidly popular student council president, quarterback, a.k.a the golden boy, a.k.a. the leader of the pathetic posse of guys who pick on me.

I wonder why.

I cringe as my spiral notebooks fly out of my hands, one page of my biology spiral ripping as it connects with the floor at a strange angle.

"What the fuck, Matthews?" I growl at him.

Oh, maybe that's why they pick on me. I can't keep my fucking mouth shut.

I have a feeling that Brenden, the golden-haired messiah of our school, would have walked away if I hadn't have said anything. However, he's surrounded by his friends- Brian, Kent, and Andre- and his stereotypically bitchy girlfriend Virginia is on the other end of the hall. He can't turn down the opportunity to showcase his werewolf dominance to impress her.

 I'm gay as shit and I can still appreciate that Virginia is attractive. She's (unfortunately) intelligent, popular, and talented- she's bendy and can do twenty fucking flips in a row on the football field. Unfortunately, the Moon Goddess gives the worst people the best lives, and Virginia is living the dream. 

Despite her outward appearance, Virginia's personality is as dry as an Arizona desert and as annoying as a Jeffree Star apology video. I honestly don't know how people stand her. But Brenden does. He's dating her, after all.

After my little outburst, Brenden's blue eyes dilate, revealing that his wolf tendencies are taking over. Basically, I'm fucked.

All I wanted was to eat my poptart...

"Did you just say something, fag?" Brenden teases, entering my personal space. His friends laugh at his "comeback," but I just internally groan. I'm getting really bored of him saying that shit all of the fucking time.

I'm gay, it's not something I'm ashamed of, and it shouldn't be an insult.

"Yeah," I respond, already regretting this sentence. "I said, 'what the fuck'? Shoving me into lockers and pushing books out of my hand isn't very creative, Matthews. Why don't you try some other way to get your dick wet?"

I grin at him, knowing just the words to get under his skin. As a werewolf, any dominant one will feel threatened when another isn't immediately submissive to them. Teasing him makes him so much hotter.

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