Alien Abduction AU Info

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World's End Club belongs to Izunagi Games and their respective owners.

World's End Club Alien Abduction AU:

9 members of the Go-Getter's club are taken by aliens from another planet. In order for the aliens to learn about the children, they design some robots to interact with and observe them. The underwater theme park and Pielope are figments of the children's imagination brought to life by the aliens that abducted them.

Pielope-A clown being from a killing game movie the Go-Getters Club was watching on the bus before they were abducted. Like the games, Pielope flips from menacing to playful to the annoyance of the Go-Getters Club. She tries to get the kids to play in the theme park, using the game of fate (not entirely sure on that), doing anything to liven up their situation, fanning the flames, etc.

Pochi-One of the first robots the Go-Getters Club discovers in the park. A quiet, timid boy, he was created to observe the other children as well as interact with them. Given a gaming device, the aliens collected data/memories from looking through the kids minds, they based Pochi off different children playing video games. Like the canon game, Pochi is good with machines.

Reycho- the second robot to be discovered by the Go-Getters Club, unlike Pochi, he seems very energetic and childlike, wanting to play with the other children when the aliens created him. When they first found him, Reycho had taken Vanilla and Tattsun to the adventure playground, playing on the merry-go-round, slides, and even looking at Vanilla and Tattsun in curiosity. In this AU, Reycho will be talking, and of course will still be confused by girls.

Yuki- A human girl who wakes up with the Go-Getters Club in the theme park. She was abducted over 2 years ago, having no memory of her past life. Despite this, she befriends the go-getters club in hopes of leaving the park.

A little bit of information is on my TikTok if anyone is interested. There are still some things that need to be worked out, but let me know what you think of it.

World's End Club AU: Alien AbductionWhere stories live. Discover now