So What?!

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I stared at my window up close. My iPhone was ringing. Dit-ti-tit. A message from Hana.
From: Hana (Hana Jul)
Text: I got a date to the prom. Have you?
I sighed. Everyone has their dream date. I guess. I don't. Its un-fair. My name is Ashlie. I'm Korean-American. My korean name is Kim Ann Lie. My parents are in korea, they sent me to live in America. Since we're "rich" I guess. I need to move on from my Xman. Jacob. If its any Dbag, its him. But I miss how he laughs, jokes and chat. Whatever. Anyways, I replied to Hana.
From: Hana (Hana Jul)
Text: I got a date to the prom. Have you?
Reply: Me.
Text: so sad... 😫 I have too. Called Can-dy.
I guess I have to jump in the couch, with a romcom drama, ice cream and some chips and cola.

To: Ashlie
Reply: Hana
Text: Bad luck for meh. I cant join in. Wish me luck on the date with Calvin. XOXO Hana

what the heck!! Calvin is my crush. Hana knows I obsess with him.

To: Hana
Reply: Ashlie
Text: WTH gal. 😰Wish you luck😪 So you could marry him. I mean... Be his gf😞whatevs. Cya

I'm literally crying, right now!

To: Ashlie
Reply: Hana
Text: Owh Gal😜 I'm sorry. Jkjkjk. I could see your status in facebook, twitter and tumblr and instagram. Sad in depression. I'm joking. You know, I'm as horrid as u. More horrid. Of course I cant. Be there on prom date. Its OUR prom date.

Srzly? UGH dat girl, knows how to make fun of meh. Ugh.

Tweet: Happy now. Turns out its a prank.
Facebook: cuz I'm happy, its juz a prank.
Instagram: haha. The old fashioned bff
Path: r u sad. CuZ I AINT! Pranksters!!

So tired... Heck no.

Chelsea Carls
Got my date for prom day 😍 Love ya Eric.
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