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i have resurrected. also, just realised it's been like six months since the last update... my bad... i thought it would be cruel to leave y'all on a cliffhanger, so here we are. plus, i kinda wanna finish this fic if anyone's still interested :0


before big j could finish the countdown, the rooftop door swung open. it was yeonjun, all beat up, bleeding, and barely breathing. but he was here, and he was alive. did he seriously take the the two bodyguards down by himself?

yeonjun didn't say a word. he raced towards big j as soon as his eyes fell on the target. it all happened in an instant, how yeonjun ran up to him, swinging his fist before the other could do as much as blink.

beomgyu shut his eyes to avoid everything that happened next. the sounds of bones cracking and heavy panting told him enough of the bloody fight unravelling in front of him. he didn't want to see it.

soon enough, beomgyu could no longer hear big j's muffled screams. cautiously opening his glassy eyes, beomgyu exhaled a silent gasp.

yeonjun was still thrashing the man's face. something was off about him, beomgyu noticed. yeonjun's pupils seemed faded, lacking his usual lively glint. he was completely immersed in his actions, his stare unwavering.

although big j was no longer fighting back, yeonjun showed no signs of stopping. it looked like an alter ego overtook his physique, turning him into a violent beast. an uneasy feeling spurred inside beomgyu, alerting him to do something.

"yeonjun, stop!" beomgyu called out hopelessly, running up to him,"he's done. let's go!"

he grabbed yeonjun's hand with both arms, which made the older halt in his punches. his hands were covered in blood, droplets of it flying into the red puddle beneath them.

the body of big j laid still just a few centimetres away. beomgyu regretted looking at his face, or the remains of it, the moment his eyes darted to look at the atrocity.

he hid his face inside yeonjun's shoulder as a cold shiver ran across him. he knew he should be absolutely terrified of the man before him, but why can't he let go?

yeonjun's breath hitched. he blinked momentarily before mumbling, "... right."

they drove off into the woods, not too far from that gas station, but deep enough to hide from the police. yeonjun could only drive with his left hand, since his right was in a really bad condition. he wasn't left-handed either, so beomgyu had to hold onto the side armrest for dear life.

once they came to a stop, beomgyu took a moment to recollect himself before turning to the other man, "do you have a first aid kit?" 

"yeah, in the glove compartment," yeonjun mumbled, holding onto his right arm as if it would prevent the immense pain that he was in.

beomgyu reached for the kit hurriedly, "take off your jacket."

"woah, already? shouldn't we go on a date first?"

"haha very funny," beomgyu replied with an eye roll, yet his ears started heating up nevertheless, "how do you manage to make jokes even with a broken arm?"

"iss' not broken... just a bad wound," he pouted.

beomgyu opened the kit examining the stuff inside it. it wasn't much but he figured it would suffice. he saw yeonjun struggle to take off his jacket through his peripheral vision and mentally cursed himself, "let me help."

"it's fine...i got it,"

beomgyu didn't know if it was just him, but he suddenly felt very hot. yeonjun was wearing a white tank top underneath, that was no longer white due to the blood stains.

beomgyu's eyes gained a consciousness of their own as they scanned yeonjun's arm up and down, admiring the muscular biceps on his body. all the doubts of beomgyu being gay vanished into thin air.

he blinked twice before clearing his throat, hoping he wasn't making the atmosphere too awkward. however, his crimson cheeks spoke for themselves.

he quickly applied alcohol on a gauze pad, almost spilling half of the liquid on himself due to nervousness. time was beginning to stretch. he felt aware of every second. beomgyu's  hands were shaking slightly as he applied the pad onto yeonjun's wound just below his shoulder. he wasn't sure where all this anxiety was coming from - the events that just took place or the greek god sitting in front of him.

"it's fine, i can do it myself," yeonjun said, noticing the younger boy struggle.

"no," insisted beomgyu, "i'm not gonna watch you pathetically suffer. you already look 3 feet deep into the grave."

"wow, thanks for that."

they stayed silent for a moment as beomgyu continued to treat his wound. once the bleeding stopped, he wrapped the gauze around yeonjun's arm gently. yeonjun tried his best to hold back a grimace as the pain struck again, but to no avail.

"you don't have to act all manly with me, i know it hurts."

"you seem to know a lot," yeonjun smirked through the ache.

"who were those men though? they scared the crap out of me..." asked beomgyu cautiously, his voice dropping to a whisper.

"i'm sorry," replied yeonjun instead. and he was. getting an innocent boy into this mess was the last of his plans. he should've known better. "you must be traumatised."

it was true; beomgyu was traumatised. and rightfully so. even now, in the safe zone, anxiety followed and latched onto him like a parasite. yeonjun could see the worry in his gaze and it made his heart sore.

beomgyu leaned back in his seat, a deep exhale leaving his lips, "i guess i should have known what i was getting myself into."

"actually, i rarely get involved with guys like these," explained yeonjun, "my gang members however..."

"they must be awful people to set you up like this."

"no, not at all," reassured yeonjun, "i love the members a lot. they're the only ones i get along with. it's just when you're in a gang, you gotta bear some consequences."

"that sucks."

"it's what it is," yeonjun stated simply, averting his gaze to the bushes in front of them, "anyways, we can't stay here any longer, we gotta move. this car's not mine and i don't know how to turn off the GPS. "

"what?!" exclaimed beomgyu wide-eyed, turning fully to his seat partner.

"yeah, taehyun's car is fancy as fuck, only he knows how to turn this shit off."

"no, no, stop. are you implying that we leave the car out here and just... walk?"

"yeah. i'm sure taehyun wouldn't mind if we left his car."

"no- hold on- you want us to walk in the middle of the woods, with no food or water, to god knows where?"

"there's still some snacks in my rucksack," yeonjun pointed to the backseat, when they both suddenly heard the train horns blaring from afar, "and, i guess, we can make it to the train."

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