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After morning check on the border yoongi decided to practice his combat skills for a while. He had strong feeling in his guts, that kai won't leave jimin in peace and will come after him with strong forces. Yoongi sighed.... Maybe for others he looked cold outside, but inside yoongi  was deep touched by jimin's story.

If ever he meets kai he will make sure, that he'll regret what he have done to jimin and other victims for sure. yoongi closed his eyes and tried to relax his heart beat.....

"Early practice?"
Yoongi opened his eyes and saw Tae also wearing training outfit
" I have heard ,they were checking our boarders at night again?"
" They have, but our men took care of them. They manage to catch some, so now jin Hyung will interrogate them."
Tae nodded. For now situation was under control, but it can change very fast.
" He is safe here Tae."
Again Tae just nodded slowly, it didn't surprise him how yoongi knew what he was thinking, because this alpha was very good at reading people.....
" Jimin is strong omega" Tae said
" He is..... Anyone in his place, would have lost hope but he didn't."
Tae smiled a little when he thought about jimin's cute smile. Yoongi looked at tae's face interested.
"Do you love him?"

His question shocked Tae.
" I love him as younger brother... And I feel guilty, that I didn't save him earlier."
" We can't save anyone Tae..... As much as we would like.... We can only try to make this world better place. And you did your job well. You saved him and brought him peace.... Now jimin can move with his life"
" Thank you yoongi..."
" No problem... Wanna join?"
" Sure, I always wanted to see how you fight grandpa...."
Yoongi just rolled his eyes, from his cocky friend comment.
" Don't cry later, when this grandpa kicks your ass."
Both men warmed up and started their training. They both were great fighters.

Yoongi were not only fast, but his all moves was calculated. Even in close fight he read his opponents moves very well. Tae on the other hand, was more flexible, he move like a panther. Quickly and deadly. They were practicing for a good hour, when they noticed, how small figure came by the training field with the water in his hands.
" Hey guys! Maybe you would like some water?"
Boys stopped their practice and looked back at smiling jimin.
" Sure! " Tae reply back with a smile.

They wiped sweat and about to go to jimin, when yoongi noticed how someone fast was running to jimin. His heart stopped for a second, when he recognized, that it was one of Kai's man!
" Jimin!"
He screamed as he started to run to the small figure.
Jimin still couldn't see a threat and he got confused, when yoongi and Tae started  to run to him all in panic.
" Run!" Tae scream

Tae's scream woke jimin and he turned around in same moment, when he saw how Kai's man just in few steps from him. Jimin froze in his spot and closed his eyes ready for a hit, but felt nothing. He opened his eyes, when he heard fighting sounds. It was jungkook, who stopped that man. He punched him so hard, that when Tae and yoongi reached them, the man was already unconscious

" Jungkook it's enough" yoongi said
Tae pulled jungkook off the man, but jungkook was still mad that he tried to get out of tae's hands to kill that man.
" Stop! Go to jimin!" Tae said
When jungkook heard jimin's name, he instantly looked around for him. He saw how small figure was still frozen in his spot. Immediately jungkook calmed down and run to jimin to pull him into his embrace.
" Are you okay, baby?" Jungkook asked in worried tone.

Jimin nodded, he still was shocked from what just happened.
" Yeah.... You came just in time...."
" I told you, no one will hurt you..."
Jimin and jungkook were still hugging each other, when jin and the guards came. Guards took the man away and jin looked worried at jimin.
" Did he hurt you?"
Jimin Shaked his head as an answer.
"No, he even didn't touch me. Kookie saved me."
"How the hell he got away jin?!?" Tae asked
" I don't know now, but for sure I'll get the answers."
" Is the house safe?" Yoongi ask
" Yes don't worry"

They all looked at jungkook, who was almost loosing his mind. He kept hugging jimin tight, like his life depend on it. Jimin cupped jungkooks cheek, forcing him to look at his eyes.
" Kookie, I'm fine.... Look at me.... I'm okay!"
Jungkook kissed jimin desperately. Only the thoughts, that he was close to lose jimin was killing him. Jimin kissed jungkook back to calm him down. After a few moments he pulled gently from him and caressed his cheek.

" Are you feeling better?" Jimin ask
" I should ask you that!"
Jimin gave him smile.
" I'm okay, but....."
" But?"
" But I don't want ever to feel, so hopeless again...."
"Jimin, I'm sorry we will - "
Jimin smiled to jin.
" No... I mean, that I don't want to froze like that ever again..."
" Baby, no one ever will come close to you...."
" I love you kookie.... And I know all of you are doing everything to protect me, but we never know?I want to be able to protect myself too..."
Jungkook wanted to say something, but yoongi step in
" Then I'll teach you. Starting from today, if you are up to."
" Thank you Hyung !"
Yoongi nodded.
" Go change then we can start ."
Jimin kissed jungkook cheek and wanted to go, but jungkook kept holding his hand.
" Jimin....."
" It's okay baby, I'll be fast.!"
Jungkook let jimin's hand and were looking how small figure run to the house.

" Jungkook I know you love him, but we can't lock him" yoongi said
" I know Hyung.... Mom said the same thing yesterday."
" Mrs. Jeon is smart lady. She knows how strong jimin is." Tae explain
Jungkook knew it too.... He loves jimin with his whole heart.
" You are right guys, teach him well and I will go with jin Hyung to interrogate that bastard."
" Are you sure?" Jin ask
" Yes I am , I wanna know how he managed to escape"
Jin nodded. He knew it was no point now to ask jungkook to stay calm.
" Jungkook, I know you are angry, we all are, but remember what your dad tought us. We are not beast." Yoongi said
" I know Hyung you are right, I'll try to control myself..."
" Good, because jimin needs you, your family too."

Jungkook nodded, because he knew his hyungs are right. If he lets his emotions to control him, he will not be better than that bastard kai. Light footsteps was heard when jimin come back. He saw how tense his friends were. To be honest he also felt really shaken, but all this made him realized that he needs to get ready more. He didn't want to be burden or hopeless omega. He is jimin
" I'm here!"
Jimin kissed jungkooks cheek.
" Good baby, Tae and yoongi will train you. meanwhile me and jin Hyung gonna go to interogate that man.
" Okay kookie, just be carefully."
" Always...."
The tension were still here, so jimin decided to break it.

" Look guys, what happened today wasn't anyone's fault. You are all working so hard lately, so don't think too much okay? I'm okay... I'm strong and I won't give up! I just need to learn more. You all tell me always how strong i'am, that I'm not just an omega and you are right. I'm Park jimin. A person."
"That's right! I like your spirit tiny." Yoongi said.
Jimin gave him smile. " You all have me confidence. Thank you for that"
Jimin hugged each of them. Boys were touched by his words.
" Love you baby...."
" Love you too kookie, now I'm going to learn so e moves!"
Jimin jokingly punched the air and the rest tension disappeared in the air.

" Okay minnie let's go to the fields. We will start from warm up" Tae hold his hand
Jimin waved to jungkook and jin and left with the other two boys for his first lesson. Jungkook looked as this little omega with proud eyes.
" You are lucky brat" jin tapping his shoulder
" I know....." Jungkook smiled.



Hope you guys enjoy reading it... 😊
See you next episode

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