Chapter 15

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Edinburgh Castle loomed over them as they approached on the cobblestones, devoid of the usual tourists or families. Devoid of the Muggle military guards at the gates. Instead they passed cloaked Death Eaters and seedy Dark object dealers begging for Draco Malfoy's gold like paupers.

How far had Voldemort spread his reach? Surely the Muggle governments were now aware of him, if a popular tourist site had been seized. What did the Muggle papers say?

She shoved her questions aside, focusing on the familiar silhouette in the distance. A wind howled across the stone path, and Hermione shivered in her négligée, her ankles twisting in the heels. She looked up at the castle now, and a different howl grated with the wind.


Their lethal bodies prowled through the turrets over the arched entryway. A jolt of terror shot down her spine. The last time she'd been this close to a werewolf had been in the Great Hall, watching in horror as it hunched over Lavender's body.

Draco grabbed her arm and strode forward. She focused on the pressure of his fingers as they drew closer, her heart pounding in her ears, as if trying to drown out the sounds of their sniffing and panting. Once they reached the end of the path, he placed his fingers directly over the tattoo and gave her a yank forward, over the threshold.

Goosebumps prickled on her flesh. A magical barrier. "Am I locked in now?" she asked, rubbing the skin where he'd gripped her. He paused, turning to look at her with a cruel expression, a flash of warning in his eyes.

He couldn't answer her. Not here.

He jerked his head and continued towards the gate. She followed, her eyes shifting in every direction, trying to take in the eyes and ears that could be on them. A pair of Death Eaters stood inside the gates, more lounging and laughing than guarding.

"Alright there, Malfoy?" one of them called.

"Evening, Relkin. I take it your leg's still healing, if you can't be bothered to stand and greet us?"

A grumble and a distant reply as they continued up the path to a second archway, a tighter entrance with tall walls of stone on one side and a steep grassy hill on the other. The moon shone bright and over them as they pushed forward.

Two more Death Eaters at the second entrance, standing a little straighter than the first two. They nodded to Draco as he walked through. He ignored them and Hermione followed, eyes fixed on the cobblestones. A low whistle once she passed. She glanced up to find an older man she didn't recognize, leering at her from a set of steep stone stairs leading up the hill.

"You bring her to play, Malfoy?"

"She's playing with me tonight." Draco steered her towards the steps, and they started to climb. "I don't share, Morrison," he said, with a wink and a handshake as they passed. Morrison chuckled, looking her over before Draco nudged her to continue ahead of him. As they ascended, her cheeks burned at the sudden realization that he had a full view of her legs and backside. She shoved her embarrassment aside, allowing her mind to wander.

She had questions. Questions about the guards, the number of Death Eaters moving in and out, the rankings...

After mentally reciting a list to ask once they were home again, Hermione finally reached the top of the stairs, turning once to look out over Edinburgh's skyline. It was a clear night, and they were hundreds of feet above sea level.

Dark windows and empty streets as far as the eye could see. Had Edinburgh been massacred? Or evacuated?

A faint sensation of fingers on her lower back, and she shivered as Draco brushed past her. After a moment, she followed, struggling to keep up with his long strides.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐔𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍-𝘏𝘈𝘙𝘙𝘠 𝘗𝘖𝘛𝘛𝘌𝘙Where stories live. Discover now