Chapter 34

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A wind danced across her skin.

A line of carriages waited, led by dead horses.

The pale-haired boy lifted her up the step and guided her into a seat. Two other companions followed.

An older couple. They murmured to each other, their eyes darting towards her and away.

Her dress was a thick weight on her shoulders.

With the clicking of hooves, the carriage lurched down a path toward a castle. A cloud reigned over it — a skull and snake.

The carriage curved around a lake, and the moon shone from its placid waters.

As the castle loomed closer, Hermione focused on her shelves. Her fingers drifted across a book with warm sunlight beaming on a courtyard, and two boys walking with her to class. She pushed it deep in the center shelf, next to a book with screams and rubble and a dark-haired boy hanging lifeless in a half-giant's arms.

The dead horses came to a stop. Their carriage door opened, and a hand extended to her. She took it, and cold fingers twitched in hers as she descended the first step. Her eyes followed the hand up to a rounded face with gaunt eyes.

A shelf in her mind groaned. The boy mouthed her name and a book came tumbling down, its pages fluttering open to missing toads, clumsy potions, and stuttered invitations to balls—


She felt her lungs collapse, black spots in her vision. And then a warm hand on her back— urging her on.

Drawing a sharp breath, Hermione dropped to the final step of the carriage. She squeezed Neville's hand before she released it, taking in his sun-weathered face and split lip. He wore long black robes, belted with a gold rope. His bruised eyes searched hers.

"That's enough gawking, Longbottom."

Neville jumped as though he'd been kicked. He swiftly stepped backward, limping to the next set of carriages. Draco pressed his hand to her hip and steered her in the other direction, moving them toward the courtyard. Lucius and Narcissa had already swept ahead of them.

Hermione tried to refocus, but each step she took from Neville was like an icicle in her chest. Her friends were being starved and beaten. And she was dripping in diamonds.

She felt the weight of her dress dragging her down, her knees buckling. Draco paused, gripping her elbow and pressing his lips to her ear. "You can do this."

The words wove through her.

"Pull back a bit." His thumb rolled a slow circle on her elbow. "So they know you're still in there."

She dipped her chin in a nod, and after a sharp breath they continued walking. Hermione centered her attention on the warmth of his hand, preparing her mind for the onslaught of people she was about to encounter.

They were here for the True Order tonight. And Harry needed her to finish what he'd started.

By the time they entered the courtyard, her waters were calm, and Neville had been tucked in the deepest book on the center shelf.

A crowd mingled, their laughter drowning out the low music. Draco lifted two champagne glasses off a floating tray, and Hermione blinked, accepting it.

"Draco," a slick voice called out. "Good to see you."

Hermione remained still at Draco's side as Marcus Flint sauntered over to them. Penelope followed a pace behind, wearing a simple black dress cinched with a golden rope. Marcus nodded at Hermione. "Granger. You look as enchanting as ever."

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐔𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍-𝘏𝘈𝘙𝘙𝘠 𝘗𝘖𝘛𝘛𝘌𝘙Where stories live. Discover now