[Just to explain what the title means, the creepypastas decide to create their own stereotypical horror movie and you were given a role]
Aries: dismissive/oblivious family/friend
Taurus: the one who dies first
Gemini: the one who notices weird shit first
Cancer: the one who hides in the closet
Leo: the one who believes Gemini
Virgo: the police officer
Libra: the one who investigates
Scorpio: the murderer
Sagittarius: the one who runs and ditches the others but gets killed anyway
Capricorn: the one who goes back to help the others
Aquarius: the traitor
Pisces: the one who makes it out alive
Creepypasta Zodiac Signs
RandomTitle says it all I just want to say, I have no grudges about any of the zodiacs, I'm either struggling to think of things or they are just completely random. I just let my fingers type and my mind to just wonder away from reality Cover picture foun...