☾ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟡☽

665 20 11

☾Tenko pov☽

Once we pulled up to the party that nauseous feeling immediately came back and I felt like I was gonna vomit, I kept myself under control not wanting to be complain the second we got there, also because I knew he was excited for this.

Dabi got out of the car and went to open mine "after you m'lady" I chuckled and got out of the car, we both walked into the house and I immediately grabbed his hand tightly when I heard all the noise and music as well as all the people there.

Dabi dragged me as we walked in, he chuckled lightly as I smiled contently as I looked into his eyes, they shined brighter then diamonds yet there was something missing in them.

He pulled me into the crowd and all I could hear was people talking over the music "Just let me know if you get uncomfortable or anything I know Jin, the guy who decided to throw this party", He yelled over the noise, I nodded in acknowledgment.

As the night went on he dragged me along with him, I met the Jin guy dabi was talking about and he's pretty nice, dabi had some drinks and was most definitely tipsy, but he stuck to his promise never once leaving my side.

"Dabi you should stop drinking you know you have to drive us home", I said worried as he was sitting in the couch in what I assume was the living room, there wasn't much people in the other rooms everyone was in the main room or the kitchen.

"Don't worry baby I promise I will I just want one more drink" he said I sighed...wait BABY, I didn't have time to process what he said before he was helping himself to another drink.

"You- ok one more drink then you promise you'll stop" I said, as much as I wanted to trust his word I had a feeling we were gonna be here way longer then I had hoped.

"Mhm" he said taking a sip of his drink and basically chugged it from there I sighed.


It is now 12am and Jin let me and Dabi stay for the night, I knew I was gonna get my ass beat tomorrow but I knew that Dabi was not driving and I didn't have my license.

Most everyone was gone other then Jin's close friends that I didn't know, Dabi and I were still on the couch and he was a little to close.

"Tenkoooo~", He whined in his drunken state, his breath smelled of alcohol and grilled cheese, "Yes?", I replied.

"Why do you seem so uncomfortable?", He asked i don't know maybe it's because you have your head buried into my shoulder is what I would've said but I was to shy to say anything so I just shrugged slightly.

"I don't wanna make you uncomfortable tell me what's wrong~~", He whined more, I huffed at his whining "I don't know it's just, I've never been to a party before and I'm 99% sure I'm the only sober person", I said softly, he looked up at me with a smiled.

"Don't worry if anything happens to you I am gonna beat there ass!" He yelled a little to loud, I chuckled and we eventually died into comfortable silence.

After 10 minutes of silence I thought he had passed out and I was gonna bring him to our room for the night.

"Hey you know I love you right?", He said seemingly out of nowhere I froze I didn't know wether he meant platonically or not and I wasn't about to ask him.

"Uh yeah I love you too I'm glad we're friends", I said, he couldn't have meant it romantically there's no way so I just played it safe.

"No I love you more then that", He said, I didn't have an answer to that, yes I loved him too, a lot, but he was under the influence of alcohol and I didn't wanna confess my feelings for him and he completely forgets about it, or in an even worse scenario he didn't mean it.

"I'm sorry I just wanted to tell you" he said "No no don't be sorry your drunk it's not your fault, you know what let's get you to bed" I said as I lifted him up.

"I'm not drunk" he paused as I looked at him with a 'we both know that's a lie' "ok I'm drunk but I mean it, I love you, we can talk about it tomorrow when i'm sober but i love you", I felt like crying, I don't know if I was shocked, sad, ecstatic or just overhaul flouting on cloud nine.

I didn't respond as we went to our shared room, once we got there there a decently nice bed and two night stands on either side of the bed with a lamp on one and an alarm clock on the other.

I gently lied him down and lazily tucked him in "I'm gonna go get you some water ok I'll be right back"

I made my way back downstairs and into the kitchen where Jin and all his friends were, "hey sorry to bother but can I get some water, I just put dabi to bed and I don't want him to have a bad hangover tomorrow.", I explained nervously, the room smelt horribly of alcohol and weed.

"Yeah of course man I'll get you a water bottle", Jin said as he opened the fridge and then he handed me a cold water bottle.

I was about to leave before I heard Jin say "he really does love you you know" but I said nothing and walked up to the guest room with the water bottle.

"Hey i'm back" I said opening the door, of course he passed out I huffed putting the water on the bed side table for the morning.

I carefully got onto the bed as to not wake him up and snuggled into the blankets not getting to close to dabi wanting to give him his space.

I finished this one faster then I expected, next chapter will (probably) be the end so yay

Words: 1043

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