Chapter 4 "Kiss"

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Sofia's POV-We moved closer.--The whole world seem to fall away, as I felt his lips touch mine.--I felt his thumb run down my cheek, his lips pressing against mine.--I didn't know what I was doing, as I kissed him back.--I felt my hands shaking, my heart hammering in my chest, as he pulled me closer to him.--My hands pressed against his chest.--My eyes were closed tight.--I didn't want this to end!--I caught myself frowning as his lips broke from mine.--He smiled at me, making me loose a light grin.--You know you're....really cute! He said, winking at me.--I giggled.--WELL, we better get back to practicing! I said, clearly, this wasn't a permanent...situation.--We kiss, and all he says is "your cute."--His grasp tightened around my waist.--Why so casual? He frowned, with a confused glance.--Without...THE question...we're just friends, aren't we? I said, with a halfhearted, playful, glare.--He folded his lips, glancing at the floor, with a light grin.--I looked down, trying to hide, I was blushing.--His grasp was tight around my waist.--I spun around, so my back was facing him.--SOFIA--I giggled--Will you....go out with me? He asked, with an adorable, nervous grin.--I looked at him, and turned back around.--I cupped his face and kissed him, then broke apart.--He smiled at me.--YES....royal six pack! I said, shooting him a teasing look, as I ran my hand down his stomach.--He laughed, his gaze locked on me, with the warm look in his eyes, I always smiled at.--His hand lifted to my cheek.--He smiled as I leaned my face into his palm.--I jumped, as everyone started clapping.--My face reddened, I didn't notice, they were all looking at us, this entire time!--Hugo laughed.--Come on, Sof.--Lets start practicing! He said, loudly, glancing back at the crowd.--They all seemingly got what he was hinting, and scattered, in a matter of seconds.--

Hugo's POV-I smiled, noticing our hands were still together.--I noticed Zoe walk back up with Chad.--I tensed.--Chad "helped" her up to where the coaches were standing, Ms. Welner, the CSS coach, and Mr. Belton, the Ever realm coach.--You okay? Sofia asked.--I looked at her, and nodded slowly.--I broke a smile, as she blushed.--Lets go! She said.--I laughed as she pulled me off toward the middle of the rink to practice.--

I-I know you've learned better tricks, now, you remember how to do the fireball flip? She asked.--Are you kidding?!?--I still LOVE ALL the flips we used to do at RPA! I smiled.--...Did you forget? I said, in a teasing tone, leaning in closer.--She blushed, Of course not! She said, pushing me back, defensivly.--I laughed, Come on! I said, taking her hand.--We both skated forward, then did the fireball flip.--She didn't even wobble when she landed!--WOW, you've gotten so much better! I grinned.--Th-Thanks. She blushed.--

Zoe skated up toward us, with Ms. Welner helping her.--They reached.--Hugo, Zoe's ankle is still hurting a bit! Ms, Welner said, shooting Sofia a side ways glare.--Sofia grimaced, glancing at Zoe, who was grinning, distinctively.--By now, it was clear she didn't even get hurt!--She played this whole thing to get Sofia in trouble!--I want you to help her try some SIMPLE moves!--Just to see if she can at least flip! Ms. Welner said.--I glanced at Zoe, who was already letting herself, glide toward me.--M-Ms. Welner, Zoe's not......--She shot me a firm glare, NO arguing!--UNDERSTOOD? She said, her gaze, dead on me.--....HUGO--Yes. I said, softly, glancing at the floor.--Sofia, go practice, please! Ms. Welner said, nodding toward the others.--

She glanced at me, then at Zoe, with an unsure look in her eyes.—I'll be right back. I said, taking her hand.—Then beckoned her to follow.—She skated after me.—We stopped out of earshot.—Your okay with this? I asked, in a gentle tone.—She looked at me, this isn't about ME, it's about YOU!—You're always so tense around her!—Why don't you tell her to back off! She said.—Believe me, I've tried! I frowned.—She glanced at the floor, then took both my hands in hers.—Hugo....I love you—I felt my jaw tighten as she locked her gaze with mine, those words playing over and over in my head—But I don't wanna get's okay if you still have feelings for her!—You dated her for a long time!—I'll understand! She said, her tone calm, but her voice was shaking.—

I lifted my hand to her cheek.—You wanna know who I love? I said, gently, gliding her closer, running my hand, down to her waist.—She looked at me, her eyes sparkling in the sunlight.—I kissed her.—She squeezed my hand as we broke apart.—I pressed my forehead against hers.—Don't EVER question that again, I told her, running my thumb down her hand.—Her cheeks were slowly turning red, her brown wavy hair, blowing back in the breeze.—

HUGO!!! Zoe yelled.—We both jumped.—Everyone turned to look at her.—......Uh....l-little help! She said, faking a groan.—I frowned.—Ms. Welner, glared at me, and nodded towards Zoe.—An amused grin grew on my face, as Sofia winked at me, and skated off toward the others.—I chuckled, before skating up towards Zoe.—I stopped a little ways away from her.—Zoe WAS a good actor, but I wanted to know for sure!—Hey, I've changed my mind.—We SHOULD get back together! I said, loud enough for everyone to hear me.—Everyone turned, including Sofia.—She frowned.—I winked at her, then turned back to Zoe.—R-Really!! She exclaimed, with a wide smile.—I nodded, but didn't move.—My smile faded as she skated up toward me, PERFECTLY.—I stopped her before she moved any closer, and shot her a disappointed glare, furrowing my eyebrows.—She looked down at her "hurt" foot, and frowned.—Uh...OW!!!—M-My foot.....—Oh please!—Everyone scoffed, turning away, shaking there head in disappointment.—I can't believe you! She said, skating passed me.—She stabbed into the ice with her skate, angrily, before she reached the snow.— 

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