Chapter: Zero

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Yo yo yo! It's me I'm alive after about a whole year! This is a brand new villain Deku fanfic which is crossposted on ao3 please enjoy!

I dragged my shoes through the hallways of the middle school I attended. Not my middle school, the middle school. Nothing about this school was mine. He made sure I knew it, he made sure that I knew this school was ruled by him and him alone.

Our king, Bakugou Katsuki, or Kacchan as I call him. (A nickname that I couldn't shake off no matter how hard I try) I opened the sliding door to the classroom, the wheels of the door squealed as I opened it. I cringed and held my head down. Where it belonged as he said. I watched myself walk to my desk (only given the title of mine as our king Kacchan wouldn't want a desk covered in insults), which was covered in insults that I had long given up on cleaning.

I placed my mustard yellow backpack on the hook of the desk. I wiped it off with the sleeve of my uniform, making sure none of the newer sharpie rubbed off on my school work.

My desk rattled as Kacchan kicked it, before proceeding to leaning onto it.
"Oi Deku. Today the ol geezer is going over our high school application forms, and I swear if your dumbass applied for Yuuei I'll fucking blow your dick off."
Warning explosions crackled in his palm. He grabbed my notebook (number 12) and threw it out the window. I sure was going to have a fun time looking for that after school. I held my breath as he kicked over my desk. I hoped the teacher wouldn't announce much to the rest of the class.

I crouched over to pick up the fallen desk, I also hoped there wouldn't be more damages. Kacchan had set one of them on fire and I was forced to pay the school a fee so I could get a new one. Of course I didn't tell my mother as money is hard to come by between the two of us. So that's the story of how I spent a month and a half without a desk, doing any job I could get my hands on. Shoveling snow? You got it. Looking after your cats while you take a vacation? No way I could say no. Cleaning your dirty old apartment that smells absolutely foul? Yes please!

Yamaguchi-Sensei walked in looking bored out of his skull. He adjusted his glasses and leaned onto his desk.
"Ok class, as you all know today we are going over high school choices."
He shoved a stack of papers over to the middle of his desk before continuing.
"I know you are all thinking of becoming heroes but obviously some of you won't make it." He stared straight at me, I wanted to crumple up under the desk and die there.

"So that is why I had you make some alternate choices. Ah that reminds me Bakugou-San you applied for Yuuei didn't you?"
Jaws dropped, I'm not sure why it was so surprising for everyone. Kacchan was destined to be a hero, from the moment he was born. Everything about him was made for the hero industry.

"Don't worry teach. I'm not like the rest of these weak ass wannabes. At the very most they'll end up as sidekicks to some forgotten B rank hero."
He smirked looking back at the class smugly, the stares that looked back were so sharp they could've killed him.
"Hah? Don't act surprised. You all know I'm a fucking natural."
The teacher was unfazed by Kacchan's outburst, he calmly shuffled through papers until he stopped, I watched in shame as his eyes widened. 'Shit.'

"Excuse me, but Midoriya-Kun it says you applied for Yuuei as well?" 'Fuck.' I nodded my head lamely, I could feel the hatred seething out of everyone in the classroom zeroing in on me.
"Ah ok I was just making sure you wrote that down right. So er- the counselor wants to talk to both of you during lunch since you are applying to Yuuei. Obviously because of their extremely rigorous coursework and such."
He nodded and I did as well but I could feel the way he looked over at me in disgust.

At the counseling center I was... for lack of a better word reprimanded for my dreams yet again.

"Listen Midoriya-Kun it's very admirable of you to want to attend Yuuei but you have to be realistic." "It doesn't hurt to try Ikeda-Sensei..."

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