Chapter 1

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Wisps of steam rose from the cup held by the man sitting at the table, his peculiar way of holding his drink attracting the attention of those sitting across from him under the low light. At his side, his long time friend examined a weapon with open fascination.

"You are married, Mr. Ackerman?" a tall woman with short blonde hair asked, noting the gleam of a simple silver band on his finger. What'd she call herself again? Selena? No... Yelena?

His friend, Hange, looked up with a grin. "He's a grump, so it's hard to believe, right? I can't believe he managed to snag someone like (Y/n)—she's such a badass!"

Yelena's face remained unchanged as she nodded, but thoughts were brewing underneath as that name caught her attention. She was a woman of many objectives, and recently, another had been added to her plate. Her boss had acquired a quick ally in Paradis, a dangerous one, who made simple and irresistible demands. This ally would supply him with resources, in exchange for two people. One was named Anya, the other was (Y/n) Ackerman. Bringing them in dead was acceptable, but alive would increase favor, which meant an increase in support and goods. Zeke had insisted on the latter, but he wanted to hold out on taking the deal, until after trying to establish one with the military of Paradis.

(Y/n). The wife of the one these people call Humanity's Strongest, a woman who is wanted dead or alive by a shadowy organization. Yelena wondered what she must be like, given her reputation. As for the other target, Anya, how did she figure into it? Their potential ally hadn't given them much more than names to go on.

If Zeke really was unable to make this alliance with those running Paradis... Yelena would have to capture or kill both targets. Until those orders were given, she was content to settle in, and get to know her prey a little bit.


You felt the arms around your waist tighten as you shifted a little, making you smile to yourself. Levi's nose grazed the back of your neck, body pressed to yours.

You managed to turn around in his embrace, facing him with your bare chest pressed to his toned one. "It's time to get up, we're heading back to the walls today," you murmured to him in the pale gloom of early morning, breath tickling his ear.

"I'm the Captain, I say five more minutes," Levi grumbled, pulling your whole body so that you laid on top of him beneath the blankets, knees on either side of his waist. Your eyes stared down into his metallic ones as he blinked away his sleep and admired what he could make out of your features. Just as you were leaning down for a sweet kiss, the door flaps of your tent were yanked open, flooding you both with harsh white light.

"Morning, lovebirds!" Hange sang. "I'd say up and at 'em, but it seems that you already are!"

You groaned, rolling off of Levi so he could fix Hange with his most menacing stare. The commander flashed you both a teasing grin and ducked back out. With the moment gone, you and Levi began to get ready to depart. Maybe there would be more time and energy to spend together after getting back home...

"I've been so busy, I haven't gotten to ask how your negotiations went the other day," you said to make conversation as you laced up your boots.

Levi shrugged. "They're very cooperative, but I've got a bad feeling about that woman, Yelena. Steer clear if you can help it."

You glanced over at him. Levi was protective, but rarely gave warnings like that since he knew you were fully capable of handling yourself. You never took such words from him lightly. "Noted."

Finished getting ready, the two of you left the tent together, emerging to see that the campsite near the ocean was bustling with activity like a disturbed anthill, despite how early it was.

Aside from tying the knot with Levi pretty recently, not many things in your life were different. You were still a happy member of squad Levi, not too concerned with moving up yourself, although Hange's persistence at asking you to lead your own squad was slowly wearing you down. Each time it was harder to refuse her pleas.

Joan was still at large, as were Boris and other known former affiliates of your father. The underworld was keeping suspiciously quiet.

Anya was in her first year of cadet training alongside the other boy from the orphanage, Luis. Between trips to the ocean and both of your busy schedules, you didn't see her much, and you missed her.

You felt Levi gently press his hand to the small of your back, startling you from your thoughts. "Come on, I'll need your help corralling the brats."

"Yes, sir," you told him with a flirtatious undertone.

He rolled his eyes, but you could tell by his nearly invisible smile that he enjoyed it. Hands behind your back, you kept pace at his shoulder as the two of you went to saddle up.

As you hoisted yourself up onto your horse, an icy chill crept down your spine. You cast your eyes about until they locked with a pair of unfamiliar gray ones. The smartly dressed woman, Yelena, was staring at you from a distance with her head cocked to one side. She suddenly began to approach with languid strides, her long legs easily eating up the distance.

"Hello, you must be Mrs. Ackerman," she said simply. She was so tall, she hardly had to crane her head to look at you atop your horse. Her tone was professional yet friendly.

How did she know who I am? She comes off as nice, but I've known enough two-faced people that I won't fall for any traps she may set. Besides, we all saw her shoot her own superior in the head without hesitation.

"How'd you know?" you asked cautiously.

Yelena didn't bat an eye at your tone, waving her hand dismissively. "Commander Hange mentioned you. I've also heard talk that you'll be a captain of your own squad. You must be excited."

"There's nothing wrong with my current squad, so that's where I'm staying," you mumbled, not liking the way she pried.

"Ah, a shame. Either way, I look forward to working with you in the future." Just as swiftly as she had approached, she departed, hands clasped neatly behind her back and chin raised.

Levi sighed as he sidled up to you while on his own ebony horse. "You never listen."

"She approached me, to be fair," you muttered. "But I think I get what you were saying earlier."

He nodded, piercing eyes on Yelena until she disappeared from sight. "Although, she did raise a fair point." Now he was looking at you. "Although I enjoy having you on my squad, I think you should lead one of your own. It's hard to find qualified soldiers with how many rookies there are. Think about it."

Your mouth twisted a bit as you considered it. Originally, you'd joined the Scouts to escape your father. You'd never been power hungry, you hadn't even really considered yourself a leader. You'd been an obedient dog for years, first as a mercenary, then as a soldier. Also—as silly as it may sound—you wanted to protect Levi. Call it paranoia, but something bad was coming. How could you be there for him, if you were in a different squad?

"If you got hurt or were in trouble, and I wasn't there..." you said, shivering at the mere thought.

"I feel the same about you, but... don't let it hold you back. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if you were held back for my sake."

You gazed at him for a few moments, before giving a simple nod. "I'll think about it, but no promises."

Levi nodded in reply, but you knew him well enough to catch the nearly undetectable trace of worry in his eyes before he glanced away. He didn't want to hold you back, but if you were behind him, you were out of the line of fire. He seemed to lose everyone he cared about, and he didn't want you to be just another on that tally.



Sorry if this is sort of an uneventful start so far, I have plans but I do want to see more of S4 before I really buckle down with this story. I don't know how regularly I'll be able to update this, since I'm also in college and writing two other fics, and it takes a lot of research and planning to make it the best it can be. Thank you all for your patience and support!

~Chill <3

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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