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AN: hi this is a oneshot book now
Sorry about that
Anyways we're kicking it off with some hot angst<3
Word count: 369

It had been years since the day they met, every day dream would call techno's name from beneath the castle's balcony, they spend their nights chatting and flirting. Eventually the Prince's family caught hold of his lover and gave him too choices either they never meet again or the man was hung.

Third person pov<3 :

The prince looked to the man behind bars, and let out possibly the last words he'd ever say to dream the man he'd always love.

"I know that we are young and I know that you may love me but I just can't be with you like this anymore, dream~ you know I love you boy hot like Mexico, rejoice, and at this point I've got to choose nothing to lose and for your sake please stay away and don't call my name for if you do you'll be hanging in the courtyard. "

A single tear fell from his face as he started to run away dream's hands grasp techno's rist with sorrow in his eyes.

"Techno please-"
He started but was cut off by the other yelling out to him.
"Stop please just let me go dream! "
His words shakey and broken, tears starting to fall like a dam of emotions shattered into pieces. The boy ripping his hand away and running off to the castle slamming the doors never to be seen again

After the Enceidint dream was torn to shreds and promised to never love again starting a new life as a traveler maping out the oceans. As for Techno he took place as the new king with an arranged marriage to a female he could never love. Eventually letting the responsibilities and lies get to him leading to his death what was told as an accidental fall from the balcony. Months after his death dream was sent a letter about the unforgettable death, spending far too much time getting to the grave where he sat until death consumed his body leaving nothing but an old memory for historians to call a Meir friendship...

Dreamnoblade Oneshot BookWhere stories live. Discover now