#2 Birthday prince

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Genshin anthology & Genshin official art

Scenario 2

I do not feel much excitement for birthdays themselves

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I do not feel much excitement for birthdays themselves. To me, it is as ordinary as the countless days that you and I have experienced. The sun rises and sets, the flowers bloom... Nothing more.

I can certainly see the reason why people value it. It is indeed a joy to gather and celebrate with important people on this special day.

If you have time, please come visit me. No need to rush, just come when you are free. And no need to bring any gifts, I will have the tea and snacks ready.

These ordinary days may turn into something different because of interesting people like you.

≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫≪ °❈° ≫

3rd Person POV mix

"(Y/n)~" a voice chimed out to you as (Y/n) has summoned Klee to an adventure. "Klee's here to play!"

"Ah, Klee. You're here!" the infamous traveler, (Y/n) exclaimed. Currently, (Y/n) made some time to spend the day at Mondstadt.

"So... what's for today's adventure?" her eyes lighting up for the short adventure notice. "Are we going fish blasting?"

"If there's time, then we can." (Y/n) smiled at the elf who carries bombs with her in her backpack. "Come let's teleport to Starsnatch cliff."

"Alright." Klee cheered, opening up her map and clicking on the nearest teleport to Starsnatch cliff.

"We're going to pick some Cecilias." (Y/n) told, holding onto the kid's hand since she could easily get drawn and distracted by almost anything that amuses her interest. 

"Can I go to that ruin there?" Klee query as she handed you the batch of flowers she picked.

"Hm..." (Y/n) thought for an answer. "Sure." she replied, knowing the child would sneak off anyways. There's a ruin guard lurking nearby but knowing Klee's strength, she could easily defeat it and possibly not get a scratch if she dodge fast enough.

"You're the best (Y/n)!" Klee waved at you as she went. "Klee will be back soon!"

'She won't get hurt... right?" already sweat-dropping at your decision.

Quickly picking sufficient flowers to bundle it up into a bouquet, (Y/n) descended the mountain's slope and went looking for Klee in the abandoned ruins.

"Klee!" (Y/n) cried at the sight of the bright red-hat girl. 

"Hey (Y/n!" she responded as she heard your voice, waving at you excitedly. "Look I found some materials if you want!"

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