the chosen boy?

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I wake up to pansy shaking my like crazy

WHAT I say very pissed of

Pansy: GET UP WE HAVE TEN MINUTES TO GET TO CLASS u slept through breakfast

Oh shit I jump up and throw on an the only clean clothes i have and soon realise as I look in the mirror that this shit is from last year and the skirt is WAY to short but i had no time to change

Oh shit I jump up and throw on an the only clean clothes i have and soon realise as I look in the mirror that this shit is from last year and the skirt is WAY to short but i had no time to change

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I throw my robe on over it and put on my tie and run out the door

I burts into potions

Snape:ah miss snake finally desided to show

I speed walk to my table and I can feel what feels like thousans of eyes staring at me a few witstels and what not but I go to sit next to pansy but she had moved to the other side sitting next to blasie which forsed me to sit next to Malfoy I sit down and blasie stares almost drooling i look down at the table blushing like crazy

Snape:alright class today i will be assigning partners

Oh i hope I get pansy

He names partners

Snape: and pansy with he scanes the room with granger mabey she can help u get ur grades up.  And he looked at my face im very mad know miss snake with Malfoy


we stare at eachother with intence glares and he says today like on the test we will be brewing Amortentia now get to work

I start and grab rose pettles and sprinkle them in and stir when im done i smell a very intence mint and collone smell it was very nice smell but i recognize it tho next thing ik Draco startes to cough and says that I have way to mutch perfume on

What i say

Draco: god could u have sprayed andymore of that shit on urself

What do u mean im not wearing any

Draco: it smells like vinilla and cinnamon

What thats weird i was only wearing that yesterday and plus I only rubbed it on my wrists

What thats impossible I say I only put that on my wrists and that was yesterday theres no way the smell is still there I say in pure confusion

He lookes at me and then he stares blank like a lightballb when off in his head and he emedietly started to blush

Wtf is up with this dude god whatever class ends and i leave with like a million papers of homework in my hands

We head to lunch and I sit with pansy and all she does is rant on and on about granger and how annoying she is and stuck up and shit I look at Malfoy and he lookes away right as I look Wtf is wrong with him

Pansy: anyways so about the party

What party i ask ?

The slitheryn party tonight

Blasie : oh hell ya im so ready to get wasted

Im sure u are I say in a cocky voice like always

Blasie: god always with that attitude I can fix that for u if u want he says soth a wink

I look over at Malfoy and he lookes like blasie just killed his parents his face filled with anger

Only in ur dreams zibani I say with a slightly flirty voice

He lookes me up and down and bites his lip

Ew this man is grossing me out does he really think he has a shot with me of all ppl I would never fuck with zibbini

So Draco we need to work on the assignment for tommorows essay its a partner project I say with a nice voice

He just lookes up and then back down at his food

Blow it he says with an angry voice

Well exuse me mr sassy ass but if u think im doing this by myself ur mistaken if u dont help i sont either

He lookes up at me with pure rage in his eyes fine he gruffs

God this boy and his attitude I get up to go to the bathroom I turn around to look at somthing and all the sudden I hit something and fall to the ground my eyes go dark for a min then I see a brown haired boy with blue eyes and round glasses he lends me a hand getting up

Im sorry i say

Oh its fine he says

Ngl hes kinda cute

Im harry harry potter he says with a smile

Pleasure im u/n

Harry: well its a pleasure bumping into u u/n ill see u around he say then he leaves

Wow hes nice and cute to but hes a grifendoor whatever I go back and eat then we go to the text of our classes and head back to the doorms

my pretty boy <3 (Draco Malfoy Story )Where stories live. Discover now