The one thing that grell hates...

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Y/n pov

I sight and standed up,man is he a fast runner...

i staid there staring at the lamp pole with a glare "i could have one.but no you just had to be on my way lampy!"

I yelled...,a few minutes later i was running to the dispatch,omg nononono!

I opend the double doors with a kick,not thinking at the time that i broke the doors to the floor,

I madly ran to the hallways to find William knocking.on my office door

My eyes widen and i ran outside again,i took a sharp turn and ran to were my office window was

I did i double kick and flew in the air,i then used my other schyte (from the first pictue on chap.1)
and pull myshelf to the buildings wall

My eyes widen when i heard door knob sloely opend,i dint wait and opend the window and.jump in

I then jump on my office chair just in time when the door flew opend,my boss look at me with a blank face while closing the door behind  him

i silently sat there at my office desk with my serious face while  looking at some paperwork to make him think i was working the whole time,which i am about too

William walk slowly to my desk with a clipboard,he fix his glases while he gave me a paper

I grabd the paper and read it,"dispatch certificate-doing your work in and on time withought problem"i smiled,it was true,i had put hard work and never been late,well until now...but thats a secret ..
"Coungratiolations miss l/n "(i spell horrifing -~-)
William said blankly,i nodded with a grin and standed up and went to put my certificate to my safe files

While i opend the safe files i felt someone behind me,i slowly look behing me too see william there

"Uh not to be rude boss but your in my personal space..."he blankly look at me down still,is he that tall?

I quickly putted the certificate in the safefiles and closed it,not until i felt two strong arms hug tighly on my waist

"..." i foze and look down,my back then was force to contact with somenes chest,william...

My eyes widen while i tried to get out of his grip,only to be grip more,i strougle again to get of his grip

(A BIT OFYOU KNOW 0_0)*pikachu sweat drops*

I felt something wet on my neck repetedly,my heart race while i tried to get him off,his hand landed on my stomach while the other one was in my hip,that bastard!even thought his my boss

Then out of nowere the door flew opend

3r person view

"Hey y/n  i wanted to-..."Grell said but paused as he saw william licking her neck while you strougle

Grell eyes narrow and kick william of you "you dare lay a finger on my.will and i will surely end up our friendship y/n"

Y/n fell to the floor with her eyes widen backing away from william 'that idiot but at least he got him off'thought y/n

Grell huff and walk towards william and hug him "oh will dont ever do that again to me~"grell fakely said while pouting  with a sad frown

William grunble and stood up,fixt his suit while licking his lips and walk away

Grell huffed and walk away too

Y/n's pov

As they left i swiflty close my door,what just happend...i lean on my door with shocked eyes

Did will really just....

Grell's pov
I happily walk around the hall to y/n's door,oh i cant wait until i tell her about bassy!

As i opend the door my heart broke to see will licking y/n's neck,oh that piece of !! Hes mine!! (lol hes so blind)

I then kick will of my ones trusted friend,how could she!??

"You dare lay a finger on my.will and i will surely end up our friendship y/n" i huff

I then look at will with a fake pout "oh will ever do that again to me~"

Will snorted and fixed his suit oh how  sexy(sorry i had too xD),i giggled and tip toe behind him

But something inside of me wanted to rip will to shreads for doing that to y/n...

I shook it off and followed will,he enter his office door and slam it ob my face "oww!! "

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