sleeping beauty much grell? O_o

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Y/n Pov

I sight while i lay in my f/c office chair in boardom
KNOCK KNOCK,TA TAP PUNCH PUNCH KICK,my door then fell out of its place to my f/c carpet from my office

*sight*Then again if it wasent for grell  my door woudent be  in the floor by now, great i mumble while standing up

I raise and eyebrow when i notice grell standing up on his hands while his feet dangil in the air,his shirt beneath his stomach showing a SIX PACK !? (i just had too xD)

By now my face would be as red as grell if i kept staring at him anylonger
Grell wasent affected by the fact that his.shirt.was like that,that idiot! *nosebleed*

I swiflty ran to my desk and grabd a hangerchif over my nose

"hey y/n will is calling for you and the other shinigamis to go the althletic field like right now!!!"he huff while in a hurry

I look at him with a glare while my cheeks burned from seeing grells six pack (xD )
"Y/n? Are you alright dear!??your as red as a red robing hood bird..." he replaid while still being in that position on his hands

I sook my head of and nod "sorry mr.sutcliff i coudent stop but see you-i mean lets go !!" I nervously said while walking out of my office with grell

Grell pov!!
oh my, i look at Y/n who was on fire today  (this girl is on fiiire xD )

i slowly blush when i saw her hair.mess up into a bun,wait what-put yourshelf thogether you like sempai and sebby than her,or do i?

I sook my head off and still kept walking by my hands,its quite fun to do so :3

Y/n's pov

Mabye you do like him...,no i dont,give hin a chance,yeah right...,his hot,no dont think that bad Bad y/n!

i hiss at myshelf and kick at the brick wall......oh wait
"Au au au au darn it au!!" I holded by foot while.groaning in pain

Grell look at my direction with a shockt expresion and trows himseld high  and falls down on his feet infron of me

"Y/N-CHAN YOU OKEY!!........."(nice going grell )grell covers his mouth while.blushing a deep shade of red

I blush and looks down ,althought my feet keept acking from the kick i gave to that wall

Grell silently calms down but smirks and grabs me,brital style ;)"what the-hey !!*

He gigled and hug me.closer to his chest "sorry Y/n no can do~" he then lead me to the dispatch training field

William was standing there with full rage for us coming.late and because grell was carring me...

"Your late and put y/n down immidiatly grell!"william demanded with rage(crush much?)

Grell shroug andt kepr me on his grasp "but Y/n's foot is broken and i Had to carry her otherwise youll put me over time"

my smile falter when he said that,stupid stupid,to believe he really wanted to help me,tears were about to peek out of my eyes,but i holded it back

I cant cry infron of them,especially infront of my boss!!

Grell pov
Pwee that was close,i tighly holded y/n closer to me away from sempai,for some reason,im started to hate sempai,uh the way he did that to her,the way he stares at her,uh this is outrage!,Shes mine!! I grin as my shinigamis eyes flash a bit red then back to normal,with my sharp pointed  theet in view
then i  left with her

Y/n pov

I was about to get out of grells grasp until he tighten his grip on me and left william withought a word

For i second i thought i.saw grells eyes red with his theet sharper than before......ha! Yeah right im just over reacting (=_=...darn)

I rested my head on his chest while he ran to an unknown place,WAIT WHAT!!

My eyes widen when i saw a old building still standing there he opend the door and got in with me

Whats going on here! I freakt out  that i started to  strougle on his hold,he gigled and  walk to a room on some halls
(the outside of the old while the inside look like.if you were on a mansion or something 0_0) (like the phantom hive one...=_=...)

I was then trown to a near sofa,i grunted while i tried to stand up when a heavy weight laid besides me.with a warm blanket over us

"...Only...mine -_-*snores"(lol he tried thought xD) while his arms hug my waist

I blush and look down thoughts and questions  ring in on my head, is this a dream am i gonna die!?wait wait hold the phone!
(passes the reader the hold)   did grell just... (ding ding*phones rings*
Autho:*smiles and takes phone back*Thanks for

But what about those other guys?oh glob,i look at his arms tighten soflty while his head rub in my neck

I squeck and jump ontop of the ceiling until i fell back in the same spot again (xD )

Grell grumble as his hands rested in my waist hugging me once more

I swear on my.tumston (?)that when he wakes up his gonna end up in the moon like that guy who was once my neighboor!(0_o? ) hehe *troll face*)

CLIFFHNAGER *hangs a cliff on a hanger :D* sorry bout that

Y/n's pov
...its been like? (-_- 2hours?)Yes thank you, 2 hours since i woken up ! I hiss while his head was now lasily on my back ,the shivers -~-..... (~0-0~)

CLIFFHNAHER NO ONE MOVES! xD (freezes o-o) lol continue again *hold laughter xD* hehe im so evil like mr.potato :3

Y/ns pov AGAIN xD and again and a- oh sorry :3

I drifted asleep when i stop strougling to get off grells grip,mabye he eat to much candy and got drunk? (Yeah i believe you pikachu  xD
Pikachu:shut up it happend to me once too!
Pikemon trainer:oh its because it wasent candy 0-0
Pikachu:...*looks down at my bag of candys from the party* o_o ... )

I was then awaken my forehead,i duck a bit in there arms and tried to sleep "Five more wait how bout a month?"? i wisphered while trying to sleep again

(If it were in 3rd person view grell would of had a tomato face by now :3)
(when he thinks like a man B-)Dark side of Grell:NOBODY CAN HAVE HER! NO ONE (i flip the tables here! xD )

Cliffhanger,okey this one is real  xP until next time grell fans x3 

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