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The next day Fuse was at their door, patiently waiting for them to step out. He wasn't dressed up too much. At first, he had tossed around the idea of wearing a suit he had conveniently packed in case of game-related events. He felt a little stupid about that himself but when Artur came flying into the room out of nowhere and pooped on his shoulder only to immediately leave again, he knew it was a dumb idea.
So he just threw on some old jeans, a brown belt, and a black sweatshirt he had laying around.
After Hound still hadn't come out a few minutes later, he knocked again a little harder.
"I am coming, fjandinn", came from inside. Now that word Fuse could imagine the meaning of.
They stepped out with Artur on their shoulder just a moment later and Fuse almost gasped out loud. Bloodhound was wearing a white button-up shirt with a black pair of pants, tucked into high boots. They looked so good. The hunter's sleeves were rolled up and the first two buttons below their collar were open. How could something so simple also look so attractive?
"You uh.. you look great. Mate. Real nice", Fuse eventually got out for a greeting and Artur squeaked almost mockingly.
"Thank you, Walter. I am... happy you like it", they responded and Fuse tried to hide his blushing cheeks by starting to walk down the hallway.
It took him a few moments to remember that maybe talking was a good idea since he had no idea where Hound's village actually was or how they were supposed to get there. The Syndicate wasn't very supportive of... well of anything, that doesn't involve bloodsport and weapons, really.
, Houndie?", he asked, not really trusting his own voice.
As they reached the first corner of the empty hallway Bloodhound peaked around it first, before replying: "I know of a secret passage. My village is located here on World's Edge. At least for now."
The air seemed safe because Bloodhound waved him through and continued their walk. Once they saw Fuse's confused face, they continued to explain.
"When helvítis Hammond came to this planet and started robbing them for their resources, my people went into hiding. They still live here and will not give up their heim this easily. We just need to be careful not to be seen by someone that might mean harm to them. Understand?", they asked in a nice tone and turned back to Fuse. He almost ran into them. He hadn't paid very much attention to where they were going, eyes fixed on their bottom half. But he listened and nodded.
"Your lead, Houndie", he agreed.
The hunter looked him up and down once and then continued their walk. Did they know?, he asked himself, feeling dumb.
He followed them from hallway to hallway until they finally reached an exit he didn't know of before. It was on the complete opposite side of where the legend's quarters were located and a little hidden by giant boxes and crates. Luckily for them, the dropship was still parked on ground today and wouldn't take off for at least another two days. Too many preparations had to be done before the next round of games could start.
There was a security guard standing next to the exit, head dropped to her chest, and leaned against the wall. When she heard Hound approach she looked up and Fuse realized that it couldn't be anyone belonging on this ship. Her face was covered with traditional-looking face paint and after greeting him with a simple nod, she started talking to Hound in a language he didn't know. It sounded like Icelandic but also something else.
At first sight, Fuse was nervous they've been caught but once he realized Bloodhound and her seemed to know each other quite well, he realized she was their ticket out of here. He wondered who she was and how she got into the ship, what her name was, and many other questions but he knew he couldn't ask them right now.

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