Im not that kind of girl

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                          Sky's Pov
      Me: "Daddy?" I called to get his attention.
                Daddy: " Yeah baby girl?" He asked now lookin at me.
                Me: " can we watch a movie when we get home?" I asked hopin he would say yeah.
                Daddy: " depends on the movie." He said now lookin in front of us.
                Me: " a scary movie.?" I said soundin more like a question.
                Daddy: " a scary movie.?" He said laughin a lil.
                Me: " Yeah a scary movie. You know the ones where people die and when them dang white people always go to noise then they fall tryin to run?"I said lookin at him makin him laugh.
                Daddy: " Ok I will think bout it." He said drankin his juice.
                Me: " Daddy can I have some?" I asked while he looked at me confused.
                Daddy: " Have some of what?Iain't got nothin." He said lookin at me with his cup in his hand.
                Me: " Yes you do it's right there." I said pointin to his cup.
                Daddy: "O you want some of this?" He said makin me nod my head.
                Daddy: " ok how bout I give you some when you turn 46?" He said makin me look at him like he was crazy.
                Me: "fine."
       ——————————————————————————————-At Home——————————————————————————
       When we got home mommy told me go to my room and get clean so that's what I'm doin cause I have school tomorrow. But can I tell y'all a secret? I don't really like school because some of the kids are mean to me and tell me they go get they daddy to beat up my daddy. And the crazy thang bout it all they from 63rd so I know if I tell daddy he goin to tell Uncle Von and I'm goin to have to go to a new school because they don't like people from 63rd. Cause WE NOT FROM 63rd. I don't really know what that mean but Uncle Von say it a lot so I thinks ok to say but he also say he smoke "tooka" and the last time I said that I got in trouble.
       ———————————————————————————————-After bath—————————————————————————
    When I get out the bath I go to my room and play with my toys. Bout 4 minutes later mommy call me to come downstairs I thought she had found the wall that I painted so I was kind of scared but daddy always tell me to "Be a G" I don't know what that means but if it works for him then I'm ok. But if it doesn't then I will see how much money  I can take from Uncle Von to buy mommy something cause that's what daddy do when mommy is mad at him.
    Me: " Yes mommy?" I say from the top of the stairs.
    Mommy: " come here baby. I want to show you something." She said soundin happy which means she did not find the paint on the wall......yet.
    Me: " what is it?" I said walkin down the stair seeing stuff animals, hair things, new hair ties, etc. Then I saw a lot of candy...... A. LOT. OF. CANDY.

Mommy: " Gand baby and uncle Von come and brought this for you

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Mommy: " Gand baby and uncle Von come and brought this for you.!" She said soundin happy and gb had this big smile on his face.
   Me: " Boy who I look like I one of those girls Uncle Von be messin with" I said muggin him
Me: " Wait you know what? Why don't you just give this to your new girl. I think she will love it cause you know you good at givin girls hand-me- downs." I said walkin away to my room.

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