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It was 12:00 midnight and everyone was asleep, well except for two people.

In the boy's room

Tanjiro: Aw man why can't I fall asleep. Maybe going downstairs to get some water will help.

Tanjiro then went downstairs to get some water.

In the girls room

Kanao: All this fidgeting is making me thirsty now. Why can't I just fall asleep. Maybe I should go downstairs to get some water, maybe then I can get some sleep.

Kanao got up and went downstairs. When she got to the kitchen she was startled to find Tanjiro also in the kitchen. Tanjiro turned around to find Kanao behind him. They both started blushing a little.

Tanjiro: K-Kanao what are you doing down here this late.

Kanao: I couldn't sleep and got a bit thirsty so I c-came to get some water.

Tanjiro: What a coincidence, I was having the same problem too. Here you go.

Tanjiro took out a glass from the cupboard, filled it with water and gave it to Kanao.

Kanao: Thanks.

After Kanao finished drinking her water there was an awkward silence between the two of them. Tanjiro then broke the silence.

Tanjiro: Um since we can't sleep how bout we sit down in the living room and talk till one of us gets tired.

Kanao: S-sure

They both walked to the living room and sat down next to each other on the floor.

Tanjiro: So is it fun living with your sisters?

Kanao: It is, although they aren't my real sisters I still have fun living with them.

Tanjiro's eyes widened after hearing Kanao say that.

Tanjiro: Wait you aren't related to them by blood.

Kanao: No, well you see I never really share this with anyone else but I trust you with all my heart. I grew up in a really poor household. My father was really abusive towards me since my mom passed away soon after giving birth to me. He blamed me for her death every single day. He would beat me with a whip or belt, he would drown me water and he would he always say this to me whilst hitting me, "it's your fault my wife's dead now you gotta pay the price"

Tanjiro felt his heart ache from hearing this. He noticed Kanao starting to tear up. This also made him start to cry as well.

Kanao: (sniff ) I ended up becoming completely emotionless after all that.

Tanjiro: Kanao....

Kanao: It's fine Tanjiro. My father ended up abandoning me and throwing me in the streets. I was only 8 years old back then. Shinobu and Kanae found me searching for food in a dumpster and decided to take me in. After finding out about my inability to make decisions, Kanae gifted me the coin. She said one day someone would change me and I would get my emotions back. I guess that someone was you Tanjiro. Thank you for everything.

Tanjiro: There's no need to thank me Kanao.

Kanao: Anyways what about you?

Tanjiro: Huh?

Kanao: What's your story?

Tanjiro: ...

Kanao: S-sorry did I say something wrong?

Tanjiro: No at all. You see you wonder why Nezuko and I live alone. Our parents and siblings died in a car crash two years ago.

After hearing that Kanao's heart skipped a beat.

Kanao: Oh no I'm so sorry I shouldn't have asked.

Tanjiro: No it's fine. I was not in the car but Nezuko was in it. I was so happy to find out that at least she survived. That's why I'm always so overprotective of her.

Kanao: How do you get money to keep this house?

Tanjiro: Well my family owned a bakery before they died but my uncle helps us run it now.

Kanao: Wow your already so independent.

Tanjiro: Ya guess you could say that.

They both started laughing. Tanjiro looked at Kanao who was still giggling a little. He started blushing even more.

Tanjiro: Hey K-Kanao

Kanao: Ya?

Tanjiro: Do you by any chance have a d-date to the dance yet?

Kanao: No

Tanjiro: Well I was wondering i-if you would like to go with me to the dance.

Kanao was so shocked to hear this.

Kanao: (wait does he mean like a date. He's asking me!? Out of all the girls he's asking me!? Am I dreaming?)

Tanjiro: Uh Kanao?

Kanao: Um Y-ya sure I'll go to the dance with you Tanjiro.

Tanjiro: Really!?

Kanao: Yes

Tanjiro: Great so it's a date?

Kanao: Uh...

Tanjiro: N-not like a date date you know what I mean

Kanao: Ya I get it.

Kanao and Tanjiro were staring at each other for so long that they didn't notice Inoaoi and Zenzuko in the background celebrating. That was until Tanjiro smelled them nearby. He turned around to find all of them jumping up and down celebrating.

Tanjiro: Um g-guys?

Nezuko: Onee-chan!

Tanjiro: I thought you guys were asleep.

Zenitsu: We were but then we heard noises and found that you guys were gone so we decided to check on you two.

Inosuke: Ya what Monitsu said.

Kanao: Okay but I think we should all get back to bed now cause it's quite late.

Everyone then went back to sleep.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. And I also hope that you guys checked out my spy au. Bye!

You and me:A Tankana story,Kimetsu HighWhere stories live. Discover now