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Tanjiro's POV

So the others and I all split up with our date. I still can't believe Kanao looks this beautiful. If looks could kill I'd be dead by now.

Sabito and Makomo were talking and taking pictures, Zenitsu and Nezuko were dancing whilst Inosuke and Aoi were at the food table. Kanao and I were standing next to the dance floor. There was an awkward silence between the two of us. I decided to break the silence cause it's killing me.

Tanjiro: Hey Kanao?

Kanao: Hm?

Tanjiro: Would you like to dance with me?

Kanao: Um sure, but I'm not really that good so forgive me if I step on your feet hehe.

Tanjiro: Hehe let's go.

I took her hand and walked to the middle of the dance floor. As soon as we were on the dance floor a new song started playing. It was Perfect by Ed Sheeran. I started blushing cause it's a really romantic song. I noticed Kanao was blushing too. I didn't notice if it was her makeup or she was really blushing.

Tanjiro: Uh, ready?

Kanao: Yes.

We got into the slow dance position (A/N: Idk how to describe it). Kanao and I started moving to the rythim of the song. I noticed that everyone was not on the floor except the two of us. People were busy cheering us on. I started blushing again.

Kanao's POV

I lift my head up to notice Tanjiro was looking at me with his crimson eyes. I stared dip into them. I was so lost in his eyes. They are just so beautiful that I can't help myself but stare. Tanjiro then smiled at me and lift me up by the waist twirling me around. I felt like I was flying. He finally put me down. When the song was about to end Tanjiro gave me a signal that he was gonna dip me.

I followed his signal and then he dipped me perfectly. Everyone started clapping their hands cheering for us. I didn't know I was that good at dancing until now. Tanjiro and I then walked off the dance floor. Everyone was still cheering. I can't help but blush. I mean I was dancing with my crush!

Tanjiro: Hey Kanao?

Kanao: Ya?

Tanjiro: Come with me, I wanna show you something.

Kanao: Oh okay.

Tanjiro took my hand and started leading me away from the crowd of people. He took me to the bushes by the school building. He then went in the bush. I was a bit confused but I just followed his lead. I walked carefully cause I don't want to ruin my hair and dress.

Kanao: Um Tanjiro, where are we going?

Tanjiro: Don't worry Kanao, we're almost there.

Kanao: O-okay

After a few more seconds we were finally out of the bush. I opened my eyes to find that I was  by a pond. The moon light reflected off the still blue water. The ground was covered with cherry blossom tree flowers. It was so pretty. I can't believe I was actually witnessing this beautiful scenery.

Tanjiro: So?

Kanao: It's... so beautiful. How do you know this place!?

Tanjiro: I actually found it when I was still a first year. I sometimes come here to be alone and think. It's really beautiful here, like you.

Kanao: Eh?

Tanjiro: Kanao there's something I want to tell you.

Kanao: Um sure.

I wonder what it is. He is playing with his fingers and blushing a little. He looked so cute. He then walked up to me and held my hands together with his.

Tanjiro: Ever since the day we first met I couldn't stop thinking about you. Whenever you were near me, I would feel my heart skipping beats and I would also start blushing. At first I was a bit dense about what this feeling was but then I began to realize that...

Kanao: That?

Tanjiro: I.... I love you Kanao Tsuyuri.

My eyes widened at what he said. Judging from his face and voice he was being serious about this. I stayed quiet for a while due to the shock. I started blushing again.

Tanjiro: It's okay if you don't feel the same wa-

He was about to say something but I cut him off by placing my lips on his.

Tanjiro's POV

Oh my gosh Kanao is kissing me. I put my hands on her waist and pulled her closer. After a few seconds of making out we finally broke our kiss due to lack of air. I was panting a little and so was she.

Tanjiro: So is that code for "I love you too"?

Kanao: Of course it is dummy.

Tanjiro: So will you be my girlfriend?

Kanao: Yes.

I couldn't hold my happiness back. I cupped Kanao's face with my hands and kissed her again. Our kiss lasted for a while until I heard my phone buzz.

Kanao: What is it?

Tanjiro: It's Nezuko. She's looking for us. We better get back.

Kanao: Okay. Can we come back Hera again?

Tanjiro: Sure.

We then left and went back to the others whilst holding hands. That was the happiest day of my life.

I hope you all loved the final chapter of this book my beautiful readers.

I am gonna write an epilogue so that you guys can know what happened in the future.

Also my Zenzuko fanfic is out. I also hope that you guys are loving my other Tankana fanfic. If you are then please vote.

I almost forgot. Thank you so much for 1K reads!

 Thank you so much for 1K reads!

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I didn't expect my story to make it this far. You guys are the best readers ever.

I also found this picture on Pinterest.

I also found this picture on Pinterest

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It's so cool tho. I never expected a Venom Kanao but I like the design.

Author-chan out 😎!

You and me:A Tankana story,Kimetsu HighWhere stories live. Discover now