That Sinking Feeling

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Paani yawned, and rolled over. His mornings were usually all the same, and quite calm. He was greeted by the natural sounds of whatever ecosystem he happened to have spent the night in; rustling leaves or rushing water, usually his favorites. He also woke up to the fluttery feeling of his own enthusiasm for the day of discovery ahead.

But this time, he just felt like crud. Annoyed. He wanted the world to be quiet, wanted some peace. He really didn't want to get up and out of bed. But, he still had his job to do, and he could at least check his weather supplies.

No, no. Why get out of bed so soon for something so trivial? Well, out of nest. Paani could set up a tent, but sometimes he found it easier to build himself a shelter, almost always out of branches. He was currently settled in a soft nest of blankets that had been his sleeping bag when he'd gone to sleep, and was sheltered by a small cover of leaves, held up in their shiny greenery by strong, well-placed branches.

Paani closed his eyes, trying to ignore the slippery, squirmy feeling slithering through his body, and settled back in. He just wanted to stay here. Comfy and warm. Sunlight washing over him...

Wait...what time was it?

"Oy, Paani!" A young woodpecker perched itself on Paani's shelter. "Paani?"

"Hmm...yes?" Paani tried not to be irritated. He loved being visited by his bird friends, but today just felt...blugh.

"Whatcha doing still in bed? It's a beautiful day out!"

"I know, I know." Paani would have to find a way to get these birds off his back. But still, they had a point. He knew he shouldn't be in bed all day, but it seemed to be one of those mornings where one didn't want to get out of bed. He settled his head back down in his arms and closed his eyes. 

"Rough night?" The woodpecker bent over and looked at him upside down.

Paani shrugged. "You could say that." Boring night, more like. He was pretty sure he didn't remember falling asleep, but he knew nothing had happened worth jotting down. That was probably a good thing, because the earth's water had been doing weird things lately.

His head felt heavy. Sleep sounded pretty good right about now. The woodpecker had finally left off. He rested his head again, trying to settle himself. His stomach didn't feel too great...maybe, no no, the thought made him feel sick...

Sick...oh great. Another one of those days.

Paani felt like he was sinking deeper into the dirt.

He could work when he was sick. He'd done it before. Right now though...he just felt really uncomfortable. Maybe a day off wouldn't hurt.

It was a beautiful day. But that hardly registered to Paani.

Five more minutes of sleep....he was probably still out of it...


He knew that sound.

Please don't let it be for me...

"Octo-Agent Paani, please report!"


Paani forced himself onto one arm. There was definitely no need to worry them. They'd all been so kind too him. They didn't deserve to have to fiddle with his problems.

He set his microphone on, but turned off the picture. Hopefully, they'd believe him when he mentioned being in the middle of the forest could mess with one's signal. He didn't need them to see whatever horrible state he was in. He was pretty sure that feeling awful could easily lead to looking awful.

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