The unique NPC

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Momonga POV

It's the Year 2138 my name is Suzuki Satoru , as you can tell I am born and living in Japan. Well it dosn't matter anymore where you are living becaus this world is the Hell. Countless wars and the 3rd World war destroyed this planet. Today is the day a new DMMO-RPG it is awaited that around Humans will log in and live in that world. Well becaus of work that must be done in this damn world. You are asking why so much Humans playing these games? It's becaus of the same ground that took me to play such games. 

'I hate this world' 

DMMO-RPG's are so popular because you can as the name says Dive in into a new World a better World. Our world has changed , my Mother worked herself to death. You can't breath the air on the planet anymore everyone needs gas masks. The politics aren't anymore the ones that holds the powers are the rich the ones that have Companies. We got slaves of this world nothing more and nothing less then slaves. Everyone that got dangerous to the Company's will get assisinated by them. 

And soi logged me in for the first time i will enter this new world. As i entered Yggdrasil the first thing i need to do is creating my Avatar. 

'It sure gives a lot of customasation .. i think i will go with a undead. I don't want to be a human in this world..' 

Of course i could not know what this decision will cause for me in the future and so i named my Avatar Momonga.

Rimuru POV

I have waited for a few days , hunted some monsters but that wasn't important at that moment. I observe some players and their behaviour. I am lucky that the names of the player are over thei head so i can tell them apart from NPC's.

Ciel was right , the few Players that choose a Heteromorphic Race are most likley on this World Helheim. 

After a few more days when the first players reached close to Level 15 the most disturbing thing happened. The Human Players belittle the  Heteromorphic Race Placer's it got a unwritten rule that they are no players anymore and it's okay to PK them. Pk mean Player killing and it's considered as a crime amongst the Players when it is not discussed or in the Arena. 

'Damn Humans are the same as always , they can't accept the Monster Players'  i sighed and moved around the Tree's. As i saw a Player called Momonga with 6 i guess  Heteromorphic Race Players sitting around a campfire. 

'Nine's Own Goal ? What's that?' I thought to myself

/Notice: They created a clan called Nine's Own Goal , a Clan is most likley an active party of more Players. It seems like they want to prevent other Players from the Heteromorphic Race to be killed./ 

'Oho? That's really interesting , It's night they didn't noticed me by now that's perfect for my NPC debut fufufu'  I teleported right to them. 

"You've caught my Interest Player's" i said and bowed elegant for a second. 

Momonga POV 

As i've played a few days i knew that the Human Players are hunting down the Heteromorphic Race , what should i do about that? 

'I can do nothing about it i am only a Level 10 Undead at the moment .. i need to hide and farm XP' is what i thought but after i said that 4 Human Players were standing in front of me'

"Seem's like we found him"

"Fufu that dumb Monster"

"Who want to kill him?" 

I could hear them saying stuff like this.

'Shit .. I am Level 10 and now i will be Level 5 again after i died..SHIT!' 

Rimuru's new adventure in YggdrasilWhere stories live. Discover now