The Adventure begins

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Human Players Group POV

"Did you noticed that this one NPC is not talking to Humans?" said the Leader 

"Yeah .. maybe he has no Quests at all?" said a warrior

"i saw him talking to some Heteromorphic Race Players .. i think he is only a NPC for the Monsters." said another one

"Maybe we can get something nice when we kill him after all he can be a monster to? No one saw his face once" the Leader said and his eyes glowed 

"Mhh.. i don't know if we can beat him" the 4th and last Team member said 

"We are two Level 15 and two Level 20 Players we should win a 4 vs 1" the warrior mentioned 

"Let's follow him today" the Leader said and the Party Members nodded.

"Let's kill this damn Monster!" they shouted in union

Rimuru POV

I have waited a few days and watched the Clan members window to lock at the Level of them, i must say they level quick Momonga is already Level 20 , i really want to see how he will look when he is Level 100. 

'We should hunt for World Items , after all they are powerful enough to close a level gap of 5-10 Level when it comes to strengh i guess' 

I then walked towards Momonga's current location , i can hear that some People are following me. I ignored them for now .. at this moment it shouldn't give someone stronger than me anyways. 

'They followed me now for 2 Hours they really are carefully hm? Or are they know that I'll meet with Monster Players and are waiting for that?' 

I thought and looked back 'I guess i should stop them now'

"You guys now that it is rude to follow someone?" i asked and four Human Players stept out of the bushes. 

"So the NPC noticed us huh?" 

"Maybe we should just kill him already" 

'Why are Humans always like this?' i sighed and looked at them.

"You are to weak to kill me , go now and I'll spare your lives" I said with a cold voice

"He sure talks big" 

"Let's do our standart taktik" 

'Well don't blame me after you diesd and Lost 5 Levels , i've warned you' i thought and activated Demonic Slime Haki.

"Ehhh what's this ? It's so strong?" 

"Be carfull this is a Debuffing skill !!" 

Well it already was to late , i've put my sword out of the Inventory and dashed towards them . You think i did nothing while i was waiting the past few days ? Haha of course not i was training the Swordsmanship Hakuro trained me after all i need to get good Chain attacks for the Critical Hit bonus. 

I first attacked the Level 15 Wizzard of them because they can be a pain in the ass of course he had no chance against someone in close range fights and so i slaughtered him with only 2 Hits. Ciel said me that they can't see blood but for me this is a real world so i see Blood and the Insides of Humans .. it really is brutal but I am used to this. 

"Let me be the front ! You guys are attacking him after i baited him!" 

'Huh thanks for shouting your taktik idiot' i thought and infused my Lightning magic with my sword after all he has a Shield i need to brake but he is only Level 15 so it won't be hard. 

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