First chapter

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30th June 2012

"Harry, you're late again! What kept you late?" Mrs. Willis asked when Harry came into the classroom two minutes late. Truth be told, he was in the bathroom checking out that magazine he found before school. He didn't have a phone yet, he was only eleven years old and his parents didn't have much money, but he liked the magazines. There was this one guy, a singer that he really liked looking at. He only knew he was a singer because it wrote in the magazine, but he wanted to hear him sing so bad. Harry thought he'd sound like an angel.

"I'm sorry I'm late, ma'am, I was in the bathroom." He said, mainly the truth and sat down next to the girl, whose name was Taylor. She was cute and he liked spending time with her. They used to play barbies together as well, he remembers, until his mother caught them and she made Taylor take all the barbies home. That time his mother was really mad. That time was the first, Harry felt her hand on his bottom. But that is not what hurt him. The betrayal hurt him more.

"I got a new phone! Wanna see after class?" She whispered to him and he nodded enthusiastically. He then gave all of his attention to the teacher and started learning. He liked school and he liked learning. He was eager to learn and to be the best in everything. His days mostly consisted of going to school, learning, sometimes playing football with his friends and spending time with his family. He wanted to keep busy, because if he got bored he started thinking about things that his mum said were wrong. Like playing with barbies, or playing with play babies. Or he started thinking about his best friend Mitch and how they never play anymore. And then he gets sad.

"That's the end of today's lesson, kids. Enjoy the rest of the day." The teacher smiled sweetly at them and they all rushed through the door. Taylor pulled him with her and they hid in the corner. She took out her new phone and Harry's eyes went wide. It was so big, bigger than her hands. And it had no buttons. It must have been expensive. Then she turned it on and the screen went bright. Harry looked at it like it was magic. He wanted to touch it, to see what you could do with it, but then again, he didn't want to ruin it. He always ruins everything he touches. As his father told him. So he kept his hands to himself and just observed how Taylor started typing on it and how fast the pictures changed.

"Would you like to listen to some music? I found that band that I really liked." Taylor said excitedly and Harry nodded. She got something out of her bag and she plugged it into the little hole in her phone. She then gave him one string and told him to get it in his ear. He was confused. He has never seen anything like it before. Then she pressed something on her phone and the music filled their ears. And the music was great. He wanted to hear more of it.

"What's the band called?" Harry asked. He wanted to check them out when he got home on their family computer.

"One direction. There's four of them. Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn." She answered and Harry got excited, because what if that Louis is the one who he saw in that magazine? Could it be? He didn't say anything, though. The bell rang and they quickly ran back into the classroom.

Harry kept thinking about that song and that band for the rest of the day. When he got home, and saw that he was alone with his sister, he took the computer and brought it to his room, when he sat down on his bed. He slowly typed the band name in it and the pictures popped up. It was really the same guy. And that brought a smile on Harry's lips. He read a bit about him and saw that he was twenty years old and lived quite close to him. They got popular not long ago and he had a girlfriend.

Harry wanted to know more about him and he wanted to listen to their songs more. He felt drawn to them.

"What are you doing, Hazza?" Gemma wandered inside the room and plopped down next to him. In her hand, there was a tiny mobile phone, tinier and older than Taylor's and she had, what he before learned was named headphones, in one of her ears. She straddled him and you'd think, Harry was the older one of the two. Gemma was fourteen. She looked at the screen and she squirmed when she saw what Harry was looking at.

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