5: That Tickled My Funny Bone

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"HOLY SHIT TITS!" You were grinning wildly, "YOU GUYS SEEING THIS SHIT?!"

You kick the snow in front of you and immediately regret it due to the cold.


"It's just snow," Zenitsu wraps his arms around himself.

"Oh, my God! I have never seen snow before! I lived in a desert my entire life!"

You squint at the bush with the hidden camera before going back to running around.


"Do you want to draw unwanted attention?!" Uzui snaps, "This cold is absolutely not flamboyant! So stop messing around! You're going to get sick!"

Oh right!

"Come on, let's go then!"

As you stupidly frolic in the snow, Uzui and Zenitsu were on guard no doubt because of Sans overwhelming presence. Even you felt uneasy.

Whether Toriel told Sans what's up, or Sans saw the weapons you had, or Sans knew all on his own that you and your comrades should not be here, it didn't matter.

You knew Sans was not happy to see you.

"Look at this super suspicious gate!" You smirk, "Or is this a cage...?"

All of the sudden, you couldn't move, stuck standing behind Uzui and Zenitsu.

"H-Hey, I-I can't-"

"-I know," You whisper, cutting off Zenitsu, "Trust me, do not panic and do not attack."

You can hear the snow crunching under the footsteps of the newcomer.

The footsteps stop.

"H u m a n s."

Holyyy FUCK.

"Don't you know how to greet a new pal?"

That voice...

"Turn around and shake my hand."

That fucking voice...

You can feel something release you, but at the same time, you felt as if you couldn't move. Zenitsu kind of understood what was said, so he turned around when you did. Uzui was just following your lead.

In front of you, was a (surprisingly) tall skeleton, he was about Zenitsu's height, maybe a few inches shorter. He was wearing a blue hoodie, a white turtleneck, black shorts with one white stripe on each side, white socks with pink slippers to finish it off.

His face.

It was hard to describe.

It was a normal skull, but rounder and somehow was set in a natural, permanent relaxed smile.

The lights in his sockets widen significantly when you finally make eye contact with him, but quickly retracts at the sight of Zenitsu and Uzui. He puts a gloved hand out, the glove was a white mitten separated into 3: the thumb, the index finger, and the last three.

You took his hand on your own will, firmly pushing against the whoopee cushion, letting out a monstrous sound.





A stupidly large grin breaks across your face as you let go of the skeleton's hand to muffle your loud laughter.

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