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Little sam fell asleep but woke up by the loud siren. Though he didn't know what that sound was but i am sure he definitely didn't expect that.

Around 5pm,

Sam woke up and came downstairs. He was standing near the staircase watching the scene of his mother talking with some greenly dressed up man. They were talking? No more appropriately they were interrogating his mother.

"Ma'am Please cooperate with us. Where is your husband?"

"Officer how many times do i have to repeat! I don't know where he is. He left in the morning and didn't return."
"If you don't know then who knows?"
"I think it's your job to find missing persons.. Isn't it?"

"Yes it is. And we know how to deal with criminals as well."

"Excuse me. My husband is not a criminal."
"How can you ensure it? He left after the news went out isn't it mrs Lavender?"

"Yes. But...."

"But what mrs Lavender? Maybe you are a criminal too?"

"The that we are investigating now is an unidentified body from your hospital. Maybe you are related to this case too."
"Maybe the body IS from my hospital morgue. But i am a neurosurgeon not morgue guard.How can this case be related to me?"
"We will get to know about this very soon when we will find mr.Lavender"
All this time whatever those people were talking about reached the little brain of that little boy who could hardly possess anything. He was witnessing how those neighbors were talking, gossiping about their family. People who used to respect this family a lot started questioning them. Being disgusted with them. He could not take in all those hateful stares nor those faces which clearly displayed clear hatred.


He finally yelled grabbing the attention of everyone there..

His eyes had tears. His mind could tell that nothing is all right. Even though his mom wasn't feeling well about anything she keeled down to his height and hugged him warmly.

"Everything is all right. This is all a nightmare. This will eventually end."  She knows this little boy can not take in this much. This will put a great effect on him. But things have already affected the future. Their happy family, pride, honor everything has turned into ashes. They have turned a page where they can't expect a happy ending!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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